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John Dudley awarded EPS Prize for Research into the Science of Light
This award – jointly with Goëry Genty from Tampere University – recognizes their pioneering contributions to ultrafast nonlinear fibre optics.
The European Physical Society (EPS) Prize for Research into the Science of Light is a major prize awarded on behalf of the EPS Quantum Electronics & Optics Division in recognition of research excellence in the area of optical science. The 2024 Prize has been awarded to John Dudley, Professor at the University of Franche-Comte and member of the optics department of FEMTO-ST, together with his close collaborator for more than 15 years, Goëry Genty who is Professor at Tampere University.
Dudley and Genty have together made many pioneering contributions to the field of nonlinear optics, particularly studies of supercontinuum generation, optical instabilities and extreme events, the complete characterization of ultrafast soliton turbulence in fibre lasers, the development of novel temporal and spectral imaging techniques, and the applications of machine learning to nonlinear optics. These results have impacted both basic research and the development of new light sources in industry. The Prize was awarded at the EPS Nanometa Conference on 6 January 2024.
Contact : John DUDLEY
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