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L'institut FEMTO-ST partenaire d'un programme européen Marie-Curie H2020 Innovative Training Networ

The department of Optics of the FEMTO-ST research institute in Besançon
in France currently has a vacancy for 2 3-years Ph.D positions working in
the development of mid-infrared and ultraviolet supercontinuum fiber sources within the
framework of the Marie Skłodowska Curie European Action SUPUVIR
(SUPercontinuum broadband light sources covering UV to IR applications).
This project aims at investigating the remarkable nonlinear properties
of novel glass photonic crystal fibers to create broadband
supercontinuum and tunable laser sources in the mid-infrared and in the UV-visible regionand to
achieve state-of-the-art characteristics.

SUPUVIR is the acronym for
SUPercontinuum broadband light sources covering UV to IR applications.
SUPUVIR will combine the efforts of 6 academic and 4 non-academic
beneficiaries to train 15 early-stage researchers (ESRs) for the growing
industry within SC broadband light sources, giving them extensive
knowledge in silica and soft-glass chemistry, preform design and fibre
drawing, linear and nonlinear fibre and waveguide characterization,
nonlinear fibre optics, SC modelling, SC system design, patent
protection, and in-depth knowledge of a broad range of the main
applications of SC high-power broadband light sources. The strong blend
of academic and non-academic sectors in the Consortium will give the
ESRs a unique chance to develop a wide set of technical and
transferrable skills, thus preparing them for long-time employment in
the academic and industrial sectors. 

Scientifically, SUPUVIR aims at solving current challenges preventing
SC light sources from taking over key market shares or from being used
for cutting-edge research. Specifically, the objectives are to reduce
noise and increase pulse energy of SC modules, as well as investigate SC
generation in emerging wavelength regimes (UV and mid-IR) including
fabrication of novel fibres and waveguides, and finally using SC sources
for applications as to gain valuable knowledge of application
requirements. This research and development will provide improved SC
sources and SC spectra, enabling new science and applications for
optical imaging, spectroscopy, sensing and control. Specific fields
benefiting from this include optical coherence tomography, IR multimodal
spectroscopy, confocal and fluorescence microscopy, photoacoustic
imaging, and food quality control.


For more informations about the project:

For more informations about the Ph.D scholarships

Guide for applicants
(See section 3.3)

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