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Nonlinear Optics and Supercontinuum Symposium

A one day “Nonlinear Optics and Supercontinuum Symposium” will be held on Friday 20 September in the Amphi FEMTO in honour of Professor Chinlon Lin who will be here in Besançon during this time.

The year 2013 represents 40 years since his discovery with Roger Stolen of self-phase modulation in silica fibers and we have assembled a fantastic programme of speakers who will update the technical state-of-the art in this area with topics including supercontinuum sources, nonlinear optics in gas-filled fibres, rogue waves and instabilities, soliton dynamics in microresonators, topographic control of fiber nonlinear propagation, and more. Please see the attached poster.

Our keynote speaker is Professor Philip Russell from Erlangen, inventor of the Photonic Crystal Fiber and incoming President of the OSA.

  • nanofis de polymères

    Polymer-based nanowires

    Molecules, salt and light :  an easy recipe to provide giant nanowires !

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  • Discussions about good practices around smart specialization

    In the frame of the 2014-2020 programming of the European Regional Development Funds (ERDF), the European Union has asked all the regions of Europe to draw up a "Smart Specialization Strategy" for research and innovation on their own territory: this is the S3.

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  • Optical Neural Networks start to learn...

    Work is actively in progress at FEMTO-ST in order to design the photonic architectures dedicated to our future processors that will be computing through artificial intelligence concepts.

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  • When the light is directed by its magnetic field

    FEMTO-ST researchers have discovered a new optical magnetic interaction to direct light fluxes. These works are published in the journal Light: Science and Applications
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  • Amar Nath Ghosh awarded at OSA Advanced Photonics Congress

    Amar Nath Ghosh won the Best student paper award of the OSA Advanced Photonics Congress , Zurich.

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  • Focus on the innovations of the "hydrogen-energy systems" sector

    A few days after the announcement by the government of the launch of a major national hydrogen plan, the Femto-ST institute is organizing on 20 June 2018 at the FCLAB in Belfort, a focus on innovations in the "hydrogen energy systems" sector.

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  • Robotic assembly of the smallest house in the world

    the handling and assembly capabilities of nanocomponents of the "μRobotex" platform make the buzz on the net and in the international press through the origami manufacturing of a micro-house at the end of an optical fiber whose dimensions are less than the diameter of a hair.

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  • Nicolas Andreff, receives the scientific award "Charles Defforey" from -Institut de France Foundation

    Awarded May 30 under the Dome of the “ (Institut de France) " by Jean-Paul Laumond, a member of the Academy of Sciences, this Grand Prize crowns the work & skills of Nic

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  • International Day of Light 2018

    Following the success of the International Year of Light, which highlighted the importance of light-based science and technology and generated more than 13,000 activities in 147 countries, UNESCO proclaimed May 16 as the International Day of Light.

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  • Enrico Rubiola honored at IFCS 2018

    Enrico Rubiola will receive the W. G. Cady Award at the IFCS 2018 on May 24th.

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