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Visit of the CNRS President to FEMTO-ST

Antoine Petit, CEO of the CNRS, was welcomed on February 11th at FEMTO-ST.


Appointed president and CEO of the CNRS in january 2018, Antoine Petit continues his tour of France of the regional delegations of CNRS and its research laboratories. This tour led him to visit FEMTO-ST on February 7. The opportunity for him to appreciate the broad multidisciplinary skills of the institute but also to meet  laboratory directors of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté and regional partners.

  • Entrepreneurs-PhD Award : Second place for Vladimir Gauthier at the national level

    Awarded for his « CellSelect project » he proposes a robot capable of improving the precision and speed of cell sorting in the field of innovative therapies.

    His work is the result of research carried out of Biomedical Microrobotics Team of FEMTO-ST Institute.

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  • Jean-Antoine Seon : awarded with the 2nd national PHD prize in robotics

    Jean Antoine was distinguished on November 22th at the CNRS headquarters for his pioneer international work on a micro robotic dextral hand.

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  • Elodie Pahon is the award winner of "Hydrogen Europe Research young Scientist" in the transport field

    This award recognizes her high-level works that aim developping prognosis and smart control approaches dedicated to fuel cell systems. 
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  • Emmanuel RAMASSO, recipient of a « Group Achievement Award » by NASA

    For outstanding contributions to the open data initiative by conducting and posting experimental system fault and run-to-failure data sets with exceptional scientific value.

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  • Chimeras exist...

    The American Institute of Physics (AIP) has featured our recent article in a special science highlight, known as a Scilight. Due to its novelty and close connection with ever-present phenomena, reported results are of wide interest to the general public.

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  • Entrepreneurs-PhD Award in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté: 3 laureates from FEMTO-ST institute

    Vladimir Gauthier (CellSelect project), Aliyasin El Ayouch (Metabsorber project), Romain Viala (MICAD project),   were rewarded during the regional final which took place on October 16 in Dijon

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  • « Micron d’or » Award at the international microtechnology trade fair

    For one of the most dexterous miniature robots with 7 degrees of freedom, allowing micromanipulation and microassembly in extremely confined spaces

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  • nanofis de polymères

    Polymer-based nanowires

    Molecules, salt and light :  an easy recipe to provide giant nanowires !

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  • Discussions about good practices around smart specialization

    In the frame of the 2014-2020 programming of the European Regional Development Funds (ERDF), the European Union has asked all the regions of Europe to draw up a "Smart Specialization Strategy" for research and innovation on their own territory: this is the S3.

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  • Optical Neural Networks start to learn...

    Work is actively in progress at FEMTO-ST in order to design the photonic architectures dedicated to our future processors that will be computing through artificial intelligence concepts.

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