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Christophe Rousselot

Christophe Rousselot's publications

2024 (2)

  • inproceedings - An imaging technique for the strain-engineering of deformable electrodes
    PhotoMechanics - iDICs Conference (2024) / Clermont-Ferrand, France (2024, Pages pages 2)
    Thiam, Abdarahmane | Rousselot, Christophe | Gaillard, Yves | Raschetti, Marina | Vieira, Marion | Kanoufi, Frédéric | Amiot, Fabien
  • inproceedings - An imaging technique for the strain-engineering of deformable electrodes
    19th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (EMMC 2024) / Madrid, Spain (2024, Pages pages 1)
    Rousselot, Christophe | Gaillard, Yves | Raschetti, Marina | Vieira, Marion | Kanoufi, Frédéric | Amiot, Fabien
    pdf | bibtex

2023 (2)

  • article - Correlation between physical properties and electrochromic performances of DC magnetron sputtered a-WOx thin films
    Materials Science and Engineering: B (Volume 290, apr 2023, Pages :116261 (15))
    N'djore, Kouamé Boko Joël-Igor | Grafoute, Moussa | Bulou, Alain | Rousselot, Christophe
  • article - Thermo-magneto-mechanical properties of near stoichiometric Ni2MnGa (Mn > Ga) thin films deposited by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering on Si substrate
    Thin Solid Films (Volume 768, mar 2023, Pages :139718 (18))
    Rousselot, Christophe | Bourgault, Daniel | Delobelle, Patrick

2022 (3)

  • article - Thermal Annealing Effect on the Structure, Optical and Electrical Properties of Lanthanum Manganite Thin Films Prepared by Reactive Co-Sputtering
    Electronic Materials (Volume 3, Issue (4), sep 2022, Pages :291 - 300)
    Hourani, Wael | Rousselot, Christophe | N'djore, Kouamé Boko Joël-Igor | Billard, Alain | Arab Pour Yazdi, Mohammad | Makoudi, Younes
  • article - Influence of Oxygen Flow Rate on the Properties of FeOXNY Films Obtained by Magnetron Sputtering at High Nitrogen Pressure
    Coatings (Volume 12, Issue (8), jul 2022, Pages :1050 (15))
    Grafoute, Moussa | N'djore, Kouamé Boko Joël-Igor | Petitjean, Carine | Pierson, Jean-François | Rousselot, Christophe
  • article - Tuning the Electrical Properties of Tungsten Oxide Thin Films Deposited by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering
    Coatings (Volume 12, Issue (2), feb 2022, Pages :274 (20))
    N'djore, Kouamé Boko Joël-Igor | Grafoute, Moussa | Makoudi, Younes | Hourani, Wael | Rousselot, Christophe

2020 (1)

2019 (3)

  • article - Relation between hardness of (Ti, Al)N based multilayered coatings and periods of their stacking
    Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings (Volume 27, nov 2019, Pages :79 - 83)
    Zaoui, Mehdi | Bourceret, Alexandre | Gaillard, Yves | Giljean, Sylvain | Rousselot, Christophe | Pac, Marie-Josée | Richard, Fabrice
  • article - On the possibility of synthesizing multilayered coatings in the (Ti,Al)N system by RGPP: A microstructural study
    Surface and Coatings Technology (Volume 374, sep 2019, Pages :845 - 851)
    El Mouatassim, A. | Pac, Marie-Josée | Pailloux, F. | Amiard, Guillaume | Henry, Pascal | Rousselot, Christophe | Eyidi, Dominique | Thuilier, Marie-Hélene | Cabioc'H, Thierry
  • inproceedings - Modélisation du lien entre la dureté et la période d’empilement dans un revêtement métal/céramique nano-architecturé en multicouche
    24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2019) / Brest, France (2019, Pages pages 16)
    Bourceret, Alexandre | Zaoui, Mehdi | Quilliot, Denis | Gaillard, Yves | Giljean, Sylvain | Rousselot, Christophe | Pac, Marie-Josée | Richard, Fabrice

2018 (2)

  • article - Influence of film thickness on the structural transition cubic/hexagonal within Ti0.38Al0.62N films
    Thin Solid Films (Volume 649, mar 2018, Pages :160 - 166)
    Rousselot, Christophe | Pinot, Yves | Thuilier, Marie-Hélene | Pac, Marie-Josée | Thiaudière, D. | Ulhaq-Bouillet, Corinne
  • article - Influence of film thickness on the structural transition cubic/hexagonal within Ti0.38Al0.62N films
    Thin Solid Films (Volume 649, Issue (649), jan 2018, Pages :160 - 166)
    Pinot, Yves | Pac, Marie-Josée | Rousselot, Christophe | Thiaudière, D. | Ulhaq-Bouillet, Corinne | Tuillier, Marie-Hélène

2017 (1)

  • article - Investigation of Ti 0.54 Al 0.46 /Ti 0.54 Al 0.46 N multilayer films deposited by reactive gas pulsing process by nano-indentation and electron energy-loss spectroscopy
    Thin Solid Films (Volume 634, jul 2017, Pages :96 - 106)
    Pac, Marie-Josée | Pinot, Yves | Giljean, Sylvain | Rousselot, Christophe | Delobelle, Patrick | Ulhaq-Bouillet, Corinne | Tuillier, Marie-Hélène

2015 (2)

  • article - Structural investigations of iron oxynitride multilayered films obtained by reactive gas pulsing process
    Surface and Coatings Technology (Volume 272, jun 2015, Pages :158 - 164)
    Grafoute, Moussa | Petitjean, Carine | Diama, A. | Pierson, Jean-François | Greneche, J-M. | Rousselot, Christophe
  • article - Friction behaviour of TiAlN films around cubic/hexagonal transition: A 2D grazing incidence X-ray diffraction and electron energy loss spectroscopy study
    Thin Solid Films (Volume 577, feb 2015, Pages :74 - 81)
    Pinot, Yves | Pac, Marie-Josée | Henry, Pascal | Rousselot, Christophe | Odarchenko,Ya-I | Ivanov, D.A. | Ulhaq-Bouillet, Corinne | Ersen, O. | Tuillier, Marie-Hélène

2014 (2)

  • article - Microstructural and elasto-plastic material parameters identification by inverse finite elements method of Ti(1-x) AlxN (0 < x < 1 sputtered thin films from Berkovich nano-indentation experiments
    Thin Solid Films (Volume 569, oct 2014, Pages :81 - 92)
    Pac, Marie-Josée | Giljean, Sylvain | Rousselot, Christophe | Richard, Fabrice | Delobelle, Patrick
  • inproceedings - Experimental and theoretical studies of antireflective optical multilayers based on SiOx, SiNy and SiOxNy films sputter deposited
    Sauget, Jérémie | Rousselot, Christophe | Duverger, Eric | Martin, Nicolas

2013 (3)

  • article - Wear mechanisms of titanium and aluminium nitride coatings: A microtribological approach
    Surface and Coatings Technology (Volume 223, may 2013, Pages :79 - 86 )
    Henry, Pascal | Pac, Marie-Josée | Rousselot, Christophe | Tuillier, Marie-Hélène
  • inproceedings - Caractérisation de multicouches périodiques métal/oxide par XPS
    Sauget, Jérémie | Rousselot, Christophe | Duverger, Eric | Martin, Nicolas | Vaz, Filipe
  • inproceedings - Propriétés Optiques De Films Minces De Nitrure De Silicium Déposés Par Pulvérisation Réactive
    Sauget, Jérémie | Rousselot, Christophe | Duverger, Eric | Martin, Nicolas

2012 (1)

  • inproceedings - Microstructural, mechanical and magnetic properties of shape memory alloy Ni55Mn23Ga22 thin films deposited by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering
    Colloque National MECAMAT 2012 (2012)
    Bernard, Florent | Delobelle, Patrick | Rousselot, Christophe | Hirsinger, Laurent

2011 (3)

  • article - Characterisation of nano-structured titanium and aluminium nitride coatings by indentation, transmission electron microscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy
    Thin Solid Films (Volume 519, Issue (18), jul 2011, Pages :6190 - 6195)
    Gîrleanu, M. | Pac, Marie-Josée | Louis, Pascal | Ersen, O. | Werckmann, J. | Rousselot, Christophe | Tuillier, Marie-Hélène
  • article - Micromachined array-type Mirau interferometer for parallel inspection of MEMS
    Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering (Volume 21, Issue (6), jun 2011, Pages :065005 (10))
    Albero Silvestre, Jorge | Bargiel, Sylwester | Passilly, Nicolas | Dannberg, P. | Stumpf, M. | Zeitner, U.D. | Rousselot, Christophe | Gastinger, Kay | Gorecki, Christophe
  • inproceedings - Micromachined array-type Mirau interferometer for MEMS metrology
    / Beijing, China (2011, Pages pages 546 - 549)
    Gorecki, Christophe | Bargiel, Sylwester | Albero Silvestre, Jorge | Passilly, Nicolas | Rousselot, Christophe | Zeitner, U.D. | Gastinger, Kay
    doi | bibtex

2010 (7)

  • inproceedings - Interprétation du module d'indentation dans le cas des matériaux anisotropes et/ou actifs
    Matériaux 2010 (2010)
    Delobelle, Patrick | Richard, Fabrice | Rousselot, Christophe | Dali, Samir
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Propriétés mécanique et magnétique de films minces d'alliage à mémoire de forme Ni55Mn23Ga22 déposé sur SiO2/Si par pulvérisation cathodique magnétron
    Matériaux 2010 (2010)
    Delobelle, Patrick | Rousselot, Christophe | Hirsinger, Laurent | Souleiman, Ahmed-Elmi | Beaulieu, N. | Ben Yousse, J.
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - The role of structural properties on damage behaviour of titanium and aluminium nitride coatings : contribution of XAFS, DAFS and TEM techniques
    10th International Conference on Applied Surface Engineering 5th of Surface and Interface Science and Engineering / Singapore, Singapore (2010)
    Tuillier, Marie-Hélène | Gîrleanu, M. | Pac, Marie-Josée | Brosse, Myriam | Louis, Pascal | Covarel, Grégory | Ersen, O. | Rousselot, Christophe | Thiaudière, D. | Khouchaf, L.
  • inproceedings - Etude comparative des propriétés électriques des films de Ta2O5, élaborés par différents procédés PVD, pour capacité MOS
    Matériaux 2010 / Nantes, France (2010)
    Yapi, Sacré Sylvere | Rousselot, Christophe | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Martin, Nicolas | Nouveau, Corinne | Rahil, I. | Imhoff, Luc
  • inproceedings - Test d’usure des outils de coupe traités dans le déroulage du MDF
    Matériaux 2010 (2010)
    Aknouche, H. | Nouveau, Corinne | Benlatreche, Y. | Rousselot, Christophe | Pilloud, D. | Zerizer, A. | Marchal, R.
  • article - The role of structural properties on damage behaviour of titanium and aluminium nitride coatings: An EXAFS and TEM study
    Surface and Coatings Technology (Volume 204, Issue (12-13), mar 2010, Pages :2042 - 2045)
    Gîrleanu, M. | Pac, Marie-Josée | Ersen, O. | Werckmann, J. | Arnold, Gilles | Rousselot, Christophe | Tuillier, Marie-Hélène
  • inproceedings - The role of structural properties on damage behaviour of titanium and aluminium nitride coatings: contribution of XAFS, DAFS and TEM techniques
    APIC 2010 / China (2010)
    Tuillier, Marie-Hélène | Girleanu, M. | Pac, Marie-Josée | Brosse, Myriam | Louis, Pascal | Covarel, Grégory | Ersen, O. | Rousselot, Christophe | Thiaudière, D. | Khouchaf, L.