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David Bouquain
David Bouquain's publications
2024 (2)
- inproceedings - Modélisation et gestion énergétique d’une architecture propulsive distribué hybride électrique pour un avion léger
Conférence des Jeunes Chercheurs en Génie Électrique (JCGE 2024) / Le Croisic, France (2024, Pages pages 8)
Legrand, Baptiste | Gaillard, Arnaud | Bouquain, David - article - Electrical resilience assessment of a building operating at low voltage
Energy and Buildings (Volume 313, 2024, Pages :114217 (12))
Rodriguez Velasquez, Rusber Octavio | Osma-Pinto, German | Bouquain, David | Ordoñez, Gabriel | Paire, Damien | Solano-Martinez, Javier | Roche, Robin | Hissel, Daniel
2023 (3)
- article - A review on the Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell break-in physical principles, activation procedures, and characterization methods
Journal of Power Sources (Volume 575, aug 2023, Pages :233168 (17))
Van Der Linden, Fabian | Pahon, Elodie | Morando, Simon | Bouquain, David - inproceedings - Modélisation d’un système pile à combustible pour l’estimation de ses performances dans un contexte automobile
5ème Symposium de Génie Electrique (SGE 2023) / Lille, France (2023, Pages pages 6)
Plait, Antony | Saenger, Pierre | Bouquain, David - inproceedings - High-level Sizing Method for Hybrid Electric Distributed Propulsion Aircraft
Aerospace Europe Conference (2023) / Lausanne, Switzerland (2023, Pages pages 13)
Legrand, Baptiste | Curlier, Nicolas | Gaillard, Arnaud | Bouquain, David
2022 (4)
- article - Sizing of a fuel cell–battery backup system for a university building based on the probability of the power outages length
Energy Reports (Volume 8, Issue (9), nov 2022, Pages :708 - 722)
Rodriguez Velasquez, Rusber Octavio | Osma-Pinto, German | Bouquain, David | Solano-Martinez, Javier | Ordoñez, Gabriel | Roche, Robin | Paire, Damien | Hissel, Daniel - article - Proton-exchange membrane fuel cell ionomer hydration model using finite volume method
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Volume 47, Issue (51), jun 2022, Pages :21803 - 21816)
Van Der Linden, Fabian | Pahon, Elodie | Morando, Simon | Bouquain, David - inproceedings - Sizing of a fuel cell-battery backup system for a university building based on the probability of the power outages length
International Conference on Technologies and Materials for Renewable Energy, Environment and Sustainability (TMREES 2022) / Metz, France (2022, Pages pages 6)
Rodriguez Velasquez, Rusber Octavio | Osma-Pinto, German | Bouquain, David | Solano-Martinez, Javier | Ordoñez, Gabriel | Paire, Damien | Hissel, Daniel - article - Impact of current ripples on the durability of proton exchange membrane fuel cells based on two ageing datasets
Data in Brief (Volume 45, 2022, Pages :108601 (10))
Pahon, Elodie | Péra, Marie-Cécile | Bouquain, David | Hissel, Daniel
2021 (7)
- inproceedings - Autonomous Electric Vehicle Routing Problem using Ant Colony Optimization with consideration of the Battery State-of-Health
33rd International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2021) / Washington, United States (2021, Pages pages 475 - 480)
Romet, Pierre | Tabusse, Romain | Gechter, Franck | Aglzim, El-Hassane | Jemei, Samir | Bouquain, David | Chrenko, Daniela - article - Performance analysis of proton exchange membrane fuel cell in automotive applications
Journal of Power Sources (Volume 510, oct 2021, Pages :230385 (7))
Pahon, Elodie | Bouquain, David | Hissel, Daniel | Rouet, Alexandre | Vacquier, Christophe - inproceedings - Study of lithium-ion battery ageing cycled with current profiles from railway applications
IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2021) / Gijon, Spain (2021, Pages pages 6)
Lorenzo, Charles | Tabusse, Romain | Bouquain, David | Hibon, Samuel | Hissel, Daniel - article - Synthèse des mécanismes de dégradation et de leurs effets sur les taux de dégradation des piles à combustible à membrane échangeuse de protons et des batteries lithium-ion nickel-manganèse-cobalt dans les applications de transport hybride
Reliability Engineering & System Safety (Volume 212, aug 2021, Pages :107369 (40))
Lorenzo, Charles | Bouquain, David | Hibon, Samuel | Hissel, Daniel - inproceedings - Rodage accéléré de pile à combustible de type PEM
Symposium de Génie Electrique (SGE 2021) / Nantes, France (2021, Pages pages 8)
Van Der Linden, Fabian | Pahon, Elodie | Morando, Simon | Bouquain, David - inproceedings - Characterizing Aging of Lithium-ion Batteries during Long-term Test Campaigns for Transport Applications
16th IEEE International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER 2021) / Monte-Carlo, Monaco (2021, Pages pages 7)
Tabusse, Romain | Chrenko, Daniela | Jemei, Samir | Hissel, Daniel | Bouquain, David | Lorenzo, Charles | Hibon, Samuel - inproceedings - Optimisation du processus de rodage accéléré des piles à combustible à membrane échangeuse de protons (PEMFC)
1ère Réunion Plénières de la Fédération Hydrogène (FRH2) du CNRS (2021) / Aussois (online conference), France (2021)
Van Der Linden, Fabian | Pahon, Elodie | Morando, Simon | Bouquain, David
2020 (2)
- inproceedings - Battery aging test design during first and second life
IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2020) / Gijon, Spain (2020, Pages pages 6)
Tabusse, Romain | Bouquain, David | Jemei, Samir | Chrenko, Daniela - inproceedings - Optimizing Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell manufacturing process to reduce break-in time
IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2020) / Gijon, Spain (2020, Pages pages 5)
Van Der Linden, Fabian | Pahon, Elodie | Morando, Simon | Bouquain, David
2019 (1)
- inproceedings - Etat de l’Art des Méthodes d’Estimation de l’Etat de Santé des Batteries au Lithium Automobiles Adaptées à un Contexte de Seconde Vie
Conférence des Jeunes Chercheurs en Génie Électrique (JCGE 2019) / Oléron, France (2019)
Tabusse, Romain | Bouquain, David | Jemei, Samir | Chrenko, Daniela
2018 (1)
- article - Decentralized neighborhood energy management with coordinated smart home energy sharing
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (Volume 9, Issue (6), nov 2018, Pages :6387 - 6397)
Celik, Berk | Roche, Robin | Bouquain, David | Miraoui, Abdellatif
2017 (3)
- article - Electric energy management in residential areas through coordination of multiple smart homes
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (Volume 80, dec 2017, Pages :260 - 275)
Celik, Berk | Roche, Robin | Suryanarayanan, Siddharth | Bouquain, David | Miraoui, Abdellatif - inproceedings - Coordinated Home Energy Management in Community Microgrids with Energy Sharing Among Smart Homes
12th IEEE International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Electric Machines, Converters and Systems (ElectrIMACS 2017) / Toulouse, France (2017, Pages pages (6pages))
Celik, Berk | Roche, Robin | Bouquain, David | Miraoui, Abdellatif - inproceedings - Coordinated Neighborhood Energy Sharing Using Game Theory and Multi-Agent Systems
12th IEEE PowerTech ( 2017) / Manchester, United Kingdom (2017, Pages pages 6)
Celik, Berk | Roche, Robin | Bouquain, David | Miraoui, Abdellatif
2016 (1)
- incollection - Cyber-Physical-Social Systems and Constructs in Electric Power Engineering
Increasing local renewable energy use in smart neighborhoods through coordinated trading (Publisher : Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Editor : Siddharth Suryanarayanan, Robin Roche, and Timothy M. Hansen, Edition : 1st, Chapter 9, 2016, Pages 217 - 252)
Celik, Berk | Roche, Robin | Bouquain, David | Miraoui, Abdellatif
2015 (1)
- inproceedings - Diagnosis of PEMFC for Automotive Application
5th IEEE International Youth Conference on Energy (IYCE 2015) / Pisa, Italy (2015, Pages pages 6)
Mohammadi, Ali | Djerdir, Abdesslem | Yousfi Steiner, Nadia | Bouquain, David | Arab Khaburi, Davod
2014 (1)
- article - Sliding-Mode Control of an Ultrahigh-Speed Centrifugal Compressor for the Air Management of Fuel-Cell Systems for Automotive Applications
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (Volume 63, Issue (1), jan 2014, Pages :51 - 61)
Zhao, Dongdong | Gao, Fei | Bouquain, David | Dou, Manfeng | Miraoui, Abdellatif