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David Chapelle
David Chapelle's publications
2024 (6)
- article - Multiscale elastic modulus characterization of Ti0.5Fe0.45Mn0.05, an Iron–Titanium–Manganese alloy dedicated to hydrogen storage
Materials (Volume 17, Issue (24), dec 2024, Pages :6100 (16))
Bebon, Ludovic | Maynadier, Anne | Gaillard, Yves | Chapelle, David - inproceedings - Comparative life cycle assessment of thermoplastic materials for a type IV hydrogen tank liner
Second International Conference on Green Hydrogen (ICGH2024 2024) / Rabat, Morocco (2024, Pages pages 2)
Karim, Imad | Maynadier, Anne | Chapelle, David | Thiebaud, Frédéric - inproceedings - Modélisation et identification du comportement de coulabilité d’une poudre d’hydrure pour le stockage solide de l’hydrogène
4ème Réunion Plénières de la Fédération Hydrogène (FRH2) du CNRS (2024) / La Grande Motte, France (2024, Pages pages 1)
Ngueloheu Yeda, Chrisale | Maynadier, Anne | Chapelle, David - inproceedings - Degradation of semi-crystalline thermoplastic materials in severe hydrogen environments
4ème Réunion Plénières de la Fédération Hydrogène (FRH2) du CNRS (2024) / La Grande Motte, France (2024, Pages pages 1)
Karim, Imad | Gardavaud, Quentin | Maynadier, Anne | Chapelle, David | Thiebaud, Frédéric - inproceedings - Identification of the mechanical behavior of an hydride powder for hydrogen storage
18th International Symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems (MH2024 2024) / Saint-Malo, France (2024, Pages pages 1)
Ngueloheu Yeda, Chrisale | Maynadier, Anne | Chapelle, David - inproceedings - Underlying causes of the improved storage capacity of TiMn1.5 by annealing treatment
18th International Symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems (MH2024 2024) / Saint-Malo, France (2024, Pages pages 1)
Arnal, Simon | Maynadier, Anne | Laversenne, Laetitia | Chapelle, David
2023 (1)
- inproceedings - Influence de la pression d’hydrogène sur les propriétés de traction d’un élastomère
Journées Nationales sur les Composites (JNC 2023) / Besançon, France (2023, Pages pages 7)
Gardavaud, Quentin | Thiebaud, Frédéric | Chapelle, David | Melnichuk, Maximiliano
2022 (2)
- inproceedings - Identification du chargement induit par la respiration d’un hydrure au sein d’un réservoir de stockage
25ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2022) / Nantes, France (2022, Pages pages 7)
Ngueloheu Yeda, Chrisale | Maynadier, Anne | Chapelle, David - inproceedings - Modélisation DEM du comportement mécanique d’une particule d’intermétallique lors de l’absorption d’hydrogène
25ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2022) / Nantes, France (2022, Pages pages 13)
Bebon, Ludovic | Maynadier, Anne | Chapelle, David
2021 (3)
- inproceedings - Mise en évidence de défauts dans les matériaux de réservoirs d’hydrogène type IV
Journées Nationales sur les Composites (virtuelles) (JNC 2021) / Virtuelle, France (2021, Pages pages 4)
Gardavaud, Quentin | Thiebaud, Frédéric | Melnichuk, Maximiliano | Chapelle, David - inproceedings - Modèle de prédiction du phénomène de cavitation dans les matériaux polymériques présents dans les systèmes d’hydrogène hyperbare
Polymeris, les polymères pour l’hydrogène, conférence virtuelle (2021) / Nantes, France (2021)
Gardavaud, Quentin | Thiebaud, Frédéric | Melnichuk, Maximiliano | Chapelle, David - article - Modeling progressive absorption of an hydride material particle submitted to hydrogen
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Volume 46, Issue (18), mar 2021, Pages :10830 - 10837)
Bebon, Ludovic | Maynadier, Anne | Chapelle, David | Thiebaud, Frédéric
2019 (4)
- inproceedings - Hydrogen storage: the different technologies, the challenges and the stakes
3rd International Symposium on Sustainable Hydrogen (ISSH 2019) / Alger, Algeria (2019, Pages pages 9)
Chapelle, David | Maynadier, Anne | Bebon, Ludovic | Thiebaud, Frédéric - inproceedings - Observation de l’hydruration des alliages métalliques pour le stockage d’hydrogène sous forme solide
24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2019) / Brest, France (2019, Pages pages 9)
Bebon, Ludovic | Chapelle, David | Maynadier, Anne | Thiebaud, Frédéric - inproceedings - Etude des propriétés de perméation et mécaniques des matériaux de réservoirs composites destinés au stockage d’hydrogène
21ème Journées Nationales sur les Composites (JNC 2019) / Bordeaux, France (2019, Pages pages 10)
Melnichuk, Maximiliano | Thiebaud, Frédéric | Chapelle, David | Maynadier, Anne - article - Prediction of reliability analysis of composite tubular structure under hygro-thermo-mechanical loading
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures (Volume 26, Issue (4), jun 2019, Pages :372 - 379)
Maizia, Abdelhakim | Hocine, Abdelkader | Dehmous, Hocine | Chapelle, David
2018 (1)
- article - Milling effect on the microstructural and hydrogenation properties of TiFe0.9Mn0.1alloy
Powder Technology (Volume 339, nov 2018, Pages :903 - 910)
Zeaiter, Ali | Chapelle, David | Cuevas, Fermin | Maynadier, Anne | Latroche, Michel
2017 (1)
- article - Prediction of reliability analysis of composite tubular structure under hygro-thermo-mechanical loading
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures ( 2017)
Maizia, Abdelhakim | Hocine, Abdelkader | Dehmous, Hocine | Chapelle, David
2015 (2)
- article - Thermomechanics of a metal hydride-based hydrogen tank
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics (Volume 27, Issue (3), may 2015, Pages :379 - 397)
Lexcellent, Christian | Gay, Guillaume | Chapelle, David - inproceedings - Macro-modeling of a Hydrogen solid storage cylindrical tank
International Conference on Technologies and Materials for Renewable Energy, Environment and Sustainability (TMREES 2015) / Beirut, Lebanon (Volume 74, 2015, Pages pages 1440 - 1451)
Zeaiter, Ali | Chapelle, David | Perreux, Dominique | Thiebaud, Frédéric | Nardin, Philippe
2014 (4)
- article - Unified approach of filament winding applied to complex shape mandrels
Composite Structures (Volume 116, sep 2014, Pages :805 - 813)
Vargas, Erik | Chapelle, David | Perreux, Dominique | Delobelle, Benoit | Thiebaud, Frédéric - inproceedings - Searching out the hydrogen absorption/desorption limiting reaction factors : strategies allowing to increase kinetics
14th International Symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems (MH 2014) / Manchester, United Kingdom (2014, Pages pages 1 - 7)
Zeaiter, Ali | Chapelle, David | Nardin, Philippe - inproceedings - Towards the increase of the desorption kinetics in ferrotitanium alloy
International Discussion on Hydrogen Energy (IDHEA) (2014, Pages pages 1 - 9)
Zeaiter, Ali | Chapelle, David | Nardin, Philippe - inproceedings - Hydrogen storage in FeTi hydrides for stationary applications : material characterisation and tank thermomechanical modeling
International Discussion on Hydrogen Energy (IDHEA) (2014, Pages pages 1 - 8)
Gay, Guillaume | Chapelle, David | Lexcellent, Christian | Perreux, Dominique | Thiebaud, Frédéric
2013 (5)
- inproceedings - Towards the development of filament wound composite structures submitted to very high internal pressure, based on complex geometry shapes
ASME 2013 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Volume 5 : High-Pressure Technology (2013, Pages pages 1 - 6)
Vargas, Erik | Chapelle, David | Perreux, Dominique - inproceedings - Mechanical coupling between metal liner and composite structure in type III tanks during high pressure fatigue loading
19th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM) / Montréal, Canada (2013, Pages pages 1 - 6)
Perreux, Dominique | Thiebaud, Frédéric | Chapelle, David | Robinet, Pascal | Weber, M. | Barthélémy, H. | Barbier, F. - inproceedings - Effect of internal pressure on permeation characteristics of polymers commonly used for liners in high pressure hydrogen tanks
21ème Séminaire Franco-Polonais de Mécanique / Perpignan, France (2013, Pages pages 1)
Nardin, Philippe | Chapelle, David | Perreux, Dominique | Thiebaud, Frédéric - inproceedings - Stockage d'hydrogène sous forme d'hydrures métalliques pour application au stockage d'énergie dans des stations relais autonomes
GDR ActHyF (2013, Pages pages 1 - 5)
Gay, Guillaume | Chapelle, David | Delobelle, Benoit | Perreux, Dominique | Tisserand, Jean-Michel | Thiebaud, Frédéric | Lexcellent, Christian | Munier, E. | Duru, M. | Bourgeais, J.M. - article - Hydrogen permeation characteristics of PET liners used for type IV high pressure hydrogen tanks
Machine Dynamics Research (Volume 37, Issue (1), 2013, Pages :81 - 93)
Nardin, Philippe | Chapelle, David | Perreux, Dominique | Thiebaud, Frédéric
2012 (7)
- inproceedings - Influence of the internal pressure on the hydrogen diffusion through the polymer liner of a type IV tank
8th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids (DSL2012) / Istanbul, Turkey (2012)
Nardin, Philippe | Chapelle, David | Perreux, Dominique | Thiebaud, Frédéric - inproceedings - Revue sur les règlements et les normes relatifs à la conception de réservoirs hydrogène
GDR ActHyF (2012)
Chapelle, David | Perreux, Dominique | Thiebaud, Frédéric - article - Analysis of intermetallic swelling on the behavior of a hybrid solution for compressed hydrogen storage – Part II: Finite element method simulation
Materials and Design (Volume 36, apr 2012, Pages :459 - 469)
Chapelle, David | Hocine, Abdelkader | Carbillet, Stani | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed - article - Assessment of the Gas Permeation through Thin Coated Polymeric Membranes ; Improvement of the Gas Barrier Ability for Hydrogen Storage
Defect and Diffusion Forum (Volume 323-325, apr 2012, Pages :393 - 399)
Chapelle, David | Feng, Liping | Nardin, Philippe | Rauch, Jean-Yves - article - Analytical prediction of damage in the composite part of a type-3 hydrogen storage vessel
Mechanics of Composite Materials (Volume 48, Issue (1), mar 2012, Pages :77 - 88)
Ghouaoula, Abdelhamid | Hocine, Abdelkader | Chapelle, David | Karaachira, F. | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed - inproceedings - Hydrogen storage media and applications
3rd International Gas Processing Symposium / Doha, Qatar (2012)
Chapelle, David | Avril, Christophe | Perreux, Dominique | Robinet, Pascal | Thiebaud, Frédéric - incollection - Hybrid solution for compressed hydrogen storage
Hydrogen Storage (Edition : Edt InTech, 2012)
Hocine, Abdelkader | Chapelle, David | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed
2011 (7)
- article - Imaging of an operating LaNi4.8Al0.2–based hydrogen storage container
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Volume 36, Issue (16), aug 2011, Pages :9751 - 9757)
Gondek, L. | Selvaraj, Nivas Babu | Czub, J. | Figiel, H. | Chapelle, David | Kardjilov, N. | Hilger, A. | Manke, I. - inproceedings - Dépôt de couches minces comme barrière au transport gazeux
20ème Congrès Francais de Mécanique (CFM 2011) / Besançon, France (2011)
Chapelle, David | Feng, Liping | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Nardin, Philippe - inproceedings - Composite pour l'énergie : l'expérience de Mahytec
20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2011) / Besançon, France (2011)
Perreux, Dominique | Thiebaud, Frédéric | Robinet, Pascal | Chapelle, David - inproceedings - Assessment of the gaz permeation through thin coated polymeric membranes : improvement of the gas barrier ability for hydrogen storage
8th International Conference on Diffusion in Materials (DIMAT 2011) / Dijon, France (2011)
Chapelle, David | Nardin, Philippe | Feng, Liping | Rauch, Jean-Yves - inproceedings - Hydrogen tank with polymer liner : design, manufacturing and performance
Hydrogen and Fuel Cell (HFC 2011) (2011)
Bayle, Julien | Chapelle, David | Nardin, Philippe | Perreux, Dominique | Thiebaud, Frédéric - inproceedings - Assessment of the overall hydrogen permeation through the walls of a real type IV tank
Hydrogen and Fuel Cell (HFC 2011) (2011)
Bayle, Julien | Nardin, Philippe | Chapelle, David | Thiebaud, Frédéric | Perreux, Dominique - inproceedings - A review on the different ways of hydrogen storage for transport applications
Seminario Bilateral Mexico-Francia sobre la Investigacion e Innovacion en el Transporte (2011)
Nardin, Philippe | Thiebaud, Frédéric | Chapelle, David | Farines, Ludovic | Avril, Christophe | Perreux, Dominique
2010 (3)
- inproceedings - Determination of hydrogen permeation properties of polymers by means of numerical study and experimental validation
5th International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics (ICAMEM 2010) / Hammamet, Tunisia (2010)
Nardin, Philippe | Bayle, Julien | Chapelle, David | Perreux, Dominique - article - Analysis of intermetallic swelling on the behavior of a hybrid solution for compressed hydrogen storage – Part I: Analytical modeling
Materials and Design (Volume 31, Issue (5), may 2010, Pages :2435 - 2443)
Hocine, Abdelkader | Chapelle, David | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed | Benamar, Ali | Bezazi, Abderrezak - inproceedings - A model to predict the permeation of hydrogen type 4 tanks
18th World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC 2010) / Essen, Germany (2010, Pages pages 19 - 24)
Bayle, Julien | Perreux, Dominique | Chapelle, David | Thiebaud, Frédéric | Nardin, Philippe