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Hassan Noura

Hassan Noura's publications

2024 (2)

  • article - Simultaneous encryption and authentication of messages over GPUs
    Multimedia Tools and Applications (Volume 83, Issue (2), jan 2024, Pages :4757 - 4789)
    Fanfakh, Ahmed | Noura, Hassan | Couturier, Raphael
  • article - A deep learning object detection method to improve cluster analysis of two-dimensional data
    Multimedia Tools and Applications (jan 2024)
    Couturier, Raphael | Gregori, Pablo | Noura, Hassan | Salman, Ola | Sider, Abderrahmane

2023 (3)

  • inproceedings - A Novel Lightweight and Robust Source-Channel Coding Solution for MIoT Communication Based on DL Denoising/Super Resolution Model
    16th IEEE International Conference on Signal image technology & internet based systems (SITIS 2022) / Dijon, France (2023)
    Noura, Hassan | Azar, Joseph | Couturier, Raphael | Salman, Ola
    doi | bibtex
  • article - LESCA: LightwEight Stream Cipher Algorithm for emerging systems
    Ad Hoc Networks (Volume 138, jan 2023, Pages :102999 (12))
    Noura, Hassan | Salman, Ola | Couturier, Raphael | Chehab, Ali
  • article - A deep learning scheme for efficient multimedia IoT data compression
    Ad Hoc Networks (Volume 138, jan 2023, Pages :102998 (15))
    Noura, Hassan | Azar, Joseph | Salman, Ola | Couturier, Raphael | Mazouzi, Kamel

2022 (7)

  • article - Efficient and secure selective cipher scheme for MIoT compressed images
    Ad Hoc Networks (Volume 135, oct 2022, Pages :102928 (18))
    Noura, Hassan | Salman, Ola | Couturier, Raphael | Chehab, Ali
  • inproceedings - Machine Learning for Physical Layer Security: Limitations, Challenges and Recommendation
    16th IEEE International Conference on Signal image technology & internet based systems (SITIS 2022) / Dijon, France (2022)
    Melki, Reem | Noura, Hassan | Chehab, Ali | Couturier, Raphael
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - A Single-Pass and One-Round Message Authentication Encryption for Limited IoT Devices
    IEEE Internet of Things Journal (Volume 9, Issue (18), sep 2022, Pages :17885 - 17900)
    Noura, Hassan | Salman, Ola | Couturier, Raphael | Chehab, Ali
  • article - DKEMA: GPU-based and dynamic key-dependent efficient message authentication algorithm
    The Journal of Supercomputing (Volume 78, Issue (12), aug 2022, Pages :14034 - 14071)
    Noura, Hassan | Couturier, Raphael | Salman, Ola | Mazouzi, Kamel
  • article - ORSCA-GPU: one round stream cipher algorithm for GPU implementation
    The Journal of Supercomputing (Volume 78, Issue (9), jun 2022, Pages :11744 - 11767)
    Fanfakh, Ahmed | Noura, Hassan | Couturier, Raphael
  • inproceedings - An Efficient and Robust MIoT Communication Solution using a Deep Learning Approach
    18th IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2022) / Dubrovnik, Croatia (2022)
    Noura, Hassan | Couturier, Raphael | Azar, Joseph | Moussa, Mohamad | Salman, Ola
    doi | bibtex
  • article - LoRCA: Lightweight round block and stream cipher algorithms for IoV systems
    Vehicular communications (Volume 34, 2022, Pages :100416 (18))
    Noura, Hassan | Salman, Ola | Couturier, Raphael | Chehab, Ali

2021 (4)

  • article - TRESC: Towards redesigning existing symmetric ciphers
    Microprocessors and Microsystems: Embedded Hardware Design (MICPRO) (Volume 87, nov 2021, Pages :103478 (11))
    Noura, Hassan | Salman, Ola | Kaaniche, Nesrine | Sklavos, Nicolas | Chehab, Ali | Couturier, Raphael
  • article - Efficient data confidentiality scheme for 5G wireless NOMA communications
    Journal of Information Security and Applications (JISA) (Volume 58, may 2021, Pages :102781 (17))
    Noura, Hassan | Melki, Reem | Chehab, Ali
  • article - Novel one round message authentication scheme for constrained IoT devices
    Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (Volume 13, Issue (6), 2021, Pages :483 - 499)
    Noura, Hassan | Salman, Ola | Couturier, Raphael | Chehab, Ali
  • article - Robotics cyber security: vulnerabilities, attacks, countermeasures, and recommendations
    International Journal of Information Security ( 2021)
    Abs Yaacoub, Jean-Paul | Noura, Hassan | Salman, Ola | Chehab, Ali

2020 (8)

  • article - Towards a secure ITS: Overview, challenges and solutions
    Journal of Information Security and Applications (JISA) (Volume 55, dec 2020, Pages :102637 (28))
    Sleem, Lama | Noura, Hassan | Couturier, Raphael
  • inproceedings - Efficient and Secure Statistical Port Scan Detection Scheme
    6th International Conference on Mobile, Secure, and Programmable Networking (MSPN 2020) / Paris, France (Volume 12605, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2020, Pages pages 72 - 88)
    Majed, Hussein | Noura, Hassan | Salman, Ola | Chehab, Ali | Couturier, Raphael
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • article - Efficient and secure image availability and content protection
    Multimedia Tools and Applications (Volume 79, Issue (31-32), aug 2020, Pages :22869 - 22904)
    Noura, Hassan | Noura, Mohamad | Salman, Ola | Couturier, Raphael | Chehab, Ali
  • inproceedings - Efficient and Secure Keyed Hash Function Scheme Based on RC4 Stream Cipher
    25th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2020) / Rennes, France (2020, Pages pages 7)
    Noura, Hassan | Salman, Ola | Chehab, Ali | Couturier, Raphael
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Overview of Efficient Symmetric Cryptography: Dynamic vs Static Approaches
    8th IEEE International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security (ISDFS 2020) / Beirut, Lebanon (2020, Pages pages 6)
    Noura, Hassan | Chehab, Ali | Couturier, Raphael
    doi | bibtex
  • article - Securing internet of medical things systems: Limitations, issues and recommendations
    Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of eScience (Volume 105, apr 2020, Pages :581 - 606)
    Yaacoub A., Jean-Paul | Noura, Mohamad | Noura, Hassan | Salman, Ola | Yaacoub, Elias | Couturier, Raphael | Chehab, Ali
  • article - DistLog: A distributed logging scheme for IoT forensic
    Ad Hoc Networks (Volume 98, mar 2020, Pages :102061 (16))
    Noura, Hassan | Salman, Ola | Chehab, Ali | Couturier, Raphael
  • article - ESSENCE: GPU-based and dynamic key-dependent efficient stream cipher for multimedia contents
    Multimedia Tools and Applications (Volume 79, Issue (19-20), jan 2020, Pages :13559 - 13579)
    Couturier, Raphael | Noura, Hassan | Chehab, Ali

2019 (7)

  • article - Preserving data security in distributed fog computing
    Ad Hoc Networks (Volume 94, nov 2019, Pages :101937 (16))
    Noura, Hassan | Chehab, Ali | Salman, Ola | Couturier, Raphael
  • article - Efficient & secure cipher scheme with dynamic key-dependent mode of operation
    Signal Processing: Image Communication (Volume 78, oct 2019, Pages :448 - 464)
    Noura, Hassan | Chehab, Ali | Couturier, Raphael
  • inproceedings - Lightweight Stream Cipher Scheme for Resource-Constrained IoT Devices
    15th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2019) / Barcelona, Spain (2019, Pages pages 8)
    Noura, Hassan | Couturier, Raphael | Pham, Congduc | Chehab, Ali
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • article - Efficient and secure cipher scheme for multimedia contents
    Multimedia Tools and Applications (Volume 78, Issue (11), jun 2019, Pages :14837 - 14866)
    Noura, Hassan | Noura, Mohamad | Mansour, Mohammad | Couturier, Raphael
  • article - Lightweight, dynamic and efficient image encryption scheme
    Multimedia Tools and Applications (Volume 78, Issue (12), jun 2019, Pages :16527 - 16561 )
    Noura, Hassan | Chehab, Ali | Noura, Mohamad | Couturier, Raphael | Mansour, Mohammad
  • inproceedings - Lightweight Dynamic Key-Dependent and Flexible Cipher Scheme for IoT Devices
    17th Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2019) / Marrakech, Morocco (2019, Pages pages 8)
    Noura, Hassan | Chehab, Ali | Couturier, Raphael
    doi | bibtex
  • article - Efficient Chaotic Encryption Scheme with OFB Mode
    International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (IJBC) (Volume 29, Issue (5), 2019, Pages :1950059 (27))
    Noura, Hassan | Guyeux, Christophe | Chehab, Ali | Mansour, Mohammad | Couturier, Raphael

2018 (4)

  • article - Securing JPEG-2000 images in constrained environments: a dynamic approach
    Multimedia Systems (Volume 24, Issue (6), nov 2018, Pages :669 - 694)
    Fawaz, Zeinab | Noura, Hassan | Mostefaoui, Ahmed
  • article - A dynamic approach for a lightweight and secure cipher for medical images
    Multimedia Tools and Applications (Volume 77, Issue (23), jun 2018, Pages :31397 - 31426)
    Noura, Mohamad | Noura, Hassan | Chehab, Ali | Mansour, Mohammad | Sleem, Lama | Couturier, Raphael
  • inproceedings - S-DES: An efficient & secure DES variant
    IEEE Middle East and North Africa COMMunications Conference (MENACOMM 2018) / Jounieh, Lebanon (2018, Pages pages 6)
    Noura, Mohamad | Noura, Hassan | Chehab, Ali | Mansour, Mohammad | Couturier, Raphael
    doi | bibtex
  • article - One round cipher algorithm for multimedia IoT devices
    Multimedia Tools and Applications (Volume 77, Issue (14), 2018, Pages :18383 - 18413)
    Noura, Hassan | Chehab, Ali | Sleem, Lama | Noura, Mohamad | Couturier, Raphael | Mansour, Mohammad

2017 (2)

  • article - A new efficient lightweight and secure image cipher scheme
    Multimedia Tools and Applications (Volume 77, Issue (12), sep 2017, Pages :15457 - 15484)
    Noura, Hassan | Sleem, Lama | Noura, Mohamad | Mansour, Mohammad | Chehab, Ali | Couturier, Raphael
  • inproceedings - Lightweight Format-Compliant Encryption Algorithm for JPEG 2000 Images
    13th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2017) / Valencia, Spain (2017, Pages pages 1871 - 1878)
    Fawaz, Zeinab | Noura, Hassan | Mostefaoui, Ahmed
    pdf | doi | bibtex

2016 (1)

  • article - An Efficient and Robust Cipher Scheme for Images Confidentiality Preservation
    Signal Processing: Image Communication (Volume 42, mar 2016, Pages :90 - 108)
    Fawaz, Zeinab | Noura, Hassan | Mostefaoui, Ahmed

2015 (2)

  • inproceedings - Secure and Error Resilient Approach for Multimedia Data Transmission in Constrained Networks
    11th Symposium on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks (Q2SWinet 2015) / Cancun, Mexico (2015, Pages pages 149 -156)
    Fawaz, Zeinab | Mostefaoui, Ahmed | Noura, Hassan
    doi | bibtex
  • article - An Integrated Multimedia Data Reduction and Content Confidentiality Approach for Limited Networked Devices
    Ad Hoc Networks (Volume 32, sep 2015, Pages :81 - 97)
    Mostefaoui, Ahmed | Noura, Hassan | Fawaz, Zeinab

2014 (1)

  • inproceedings - Efficient and Secure Visual Data Transmission Approach for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
    MASCOTS'14, IEEE 22nd Int. Symp. on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems / Paris, France (2014, Pages pages 463 - 472)
    Mostefaoui, Ahmed | Noura, Hassan | Fawaz, Zeinab
    pdf | bibtex