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Thérèse Leblois
Thérèse Leblois's publications
2024 (4)
- article - Influence of Nisin grafting on the antibacterial efficacy of AMP self-assembled monolayers (SAMs)
Molecules (Volume 29, Issue (22), nov 2024, Pages :5417 (16))
Richet, Chloé | Marguier, Adeline | Bertin, Audrey | Leblois, Thérèse | Humblot, Vincent - inproceedings - Development of an instrumented physiological microdevice to study the impact of the vascular microarchitecture and tumoral context on the brain angiogenesis and blood-brain barrier'
GDR B2I (GDR B2I 2024) / MULHOUSE, France (2024)
Sivier, Thomas | Gourgues, Maxime | Durand, Léo | Chollet, Franck | Humblot, Vincent | Leblois, Thérèse | Figarol, Agathe - inproceedings - A hydrogel to enable the 3D self-organization of a brain micro-vasculature
2024 GDR B2I (GDR B2I 2024) / PARIS, France (2024)
Figarol, Agathe | Gourgues, Maxime | Yamada, Asuka | Furihata, Tomomi | Leblois, Thérèse | Chollet, Franck | Humblot, Vincent | Matsusaki, Michiya - article - Modèles 3D de micro-vaisseaux cérébraux et applications pour des tumeurs-sur-puces : défis et intérêts des techniques d’histologie
Revue française d'histotechnologie (Volume 36, Issue (1), jan 2024, Pages :233 - 250)
Figarol, Agathe | Mosbah, Roumaïssa | Pouit, Marion | Chamouton, Sylvain | Matsusaki, Michiya | Yamada, Asuka | Furihata, Tomomi | Chollet, Franck | Leblois, Thérèse | Humblot, Vincent
2023 (5)
- inproceedings - Development of a physiological microsystem, from a blood-brain barrier-on-chip to a vascularized glioblastoma-on-chip
19th annual meeting Cancéropole Grand Sud-Ouest (Cancéropole Grand Sud-Ouest 2023) / ARCACHON, France (2023)
Figarol, Agathe | Mosbah, Roumaïssa | Matsusaki, Michiya | Yamada, Asuka | Furihata, Tomomi | Chollet, Franck | Leblois, Thérèse | Humblot, Vincent - inproceedings - MULTIPLEXED BIOSENSOR USING QUARTZ-ON-SILICON MICRO-ACOUSTIC (QSIM) TECHNOLOGY FOR IN-VITRO LABEL-FREE INVESTIGATION OF HEMOSTASIS
27th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS 2023) / KATOWICE, Poland (2023)
Oseev, Aleksandr | Chollet, Franck | Lecompte, Thomas Pierre | Leblois, Thérèse - inproceedings - Integration of GaAs-based Lateral Field Excitation (LFE) Sensor with PDMS Microfluidic Channel: Simulation and Experimental Validation
27th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS 2023) / KATOWICE, Poland (2023)
27th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS 2023) / KATOWICE, Poland (2023)
Oseev, Aleksandr | Chollet, Franck | Lecompte, Thomas Pierre | Leblois, Thérèse - inproceedings - A vascularized glioblastoma multiforme within a 3D perfused microphysiological system: combining a self-organized microvasculature and a central venule in a hydrogel
MPS World Summit 2023 microphysiological systems society (MPSS) ( MPS World Summit 2023) / BERLIN, Germany (2023)
Figarol, Agathe | Mosbah, Roumaïssa | Hamidullah, Muhammad | Durand, Léo | Pouit, Marion | Chamouton, Sylvain | Chollet, Franck | Leblois, Thérèse | Humblot, Vincent
2022 (2)
- article - Higher-order Lamb waves with quasi-zero surface displacement components on a GaAs piezoelectric plate
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (Volume 55, Issue (9), sep 2022, Pages :094003 (11))
Hamidullah, Muhammad | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse - article - Microfluidics Integration on GaAs acoustic biosensors with a 2 Leakage-Free PDMS and High Pressure based on Bonding 3 Technology
Micromachines (Volume 13, Issue (5), may 2022, Pages :16)
Hammami, Saber | Oseev, Aleksandr | Bargiel, Sylwester | Zeggari, Rabah | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse
2021 (6)
- inproceedings - Lamb waves sensor in liquid media utilising higher order quasi-longitudinal S5 and S6 modes
IEEE Conference on Sensors (SENSORS 2021) / Rotterdam, Netherlands (2021, Pages pages 20258315 (4))
Hamidullah, Muhammad | Rezzag, Nassim | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse - article - Assessment of shear-dependent kinetics of primary haemostasis with a microfluidic acoustic biosensor
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (Volume 68, Issue (8), aug 2021, Pages :2329 - 2338)
Oseev, Aleksandr | Lecompte, Thomas Pierre | Remy-Martin, Fabien | Mourey, Guillaume | Chollet, Franck | Le Roy de Boiseaumarié, Benoit | Rouleau, Alain | Bourgeois, Ophélie | De Maistre, Emmanuel | Elie-Caille, Céline | Manceau, Jean-François | Boireau, Wilfrid | Leblois, Thérèse - inproceedings - Microacoustic biosensor for label-free assessment of von Willebrand factor function in primary haemostasis
Biosensors (2021) / Online (Electronic Conference), France (2021)
Oseev, Aleksandr | Lecompte, Thomas Pierre | Remy-Martin, Fabien | Elie-Caille, Céline | Mourey, Guillaume | De Maistre, Emmanuel | Rouleau, Alain | Chollet, Franck | Manceau, Jean-François | Boireau, Wilfrid | Leblois, Thérèse - article - Regenerable ZnO/GaAs Bulk AcousticWave Biosensor for Detection of Escherichia coli in “Complex” Biological Medium
Biosensors-Basel (Volume 2021, Issue (11), may 2021, Pages :145 (15))
Chawich, Juliana | Hassen, Walid | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse | Dubowski, Jan J. - inproceedings - Assessment of primary hemostasis with an acoustic biosensor using shear dependent kinetics behavior: principle and limitations
65th Online Meeting of the Society for Thrombosis and Haemostasis Research (GTH 2021) / Online (Electronic Conference), Online (Electronic Conference) (Volume 41, Issue 01, 2021, Pages pages 16 - 17)
Oseev, Aleksandr | Mukhin, Nikolay | Remy-Martin, Fabien | Elie-Caille, Céline | Mourey, Guillaume | Rouleau, Alain | Bourgeois, Ophélie | Le Roy de Boiseaumarié, Benoit | De Maistre, Emmanuel | Lucklum, Ralf | Boireau, Wilfrid | Chollet, Franck | Manceau, Jean-François | Leblois, Thérèse - article - An optimal dimensioning method of a green wall structure for noise pollution reduction
Building and Environment (Volume 187, jan 2021, Pages :107362 (9))
Attal, Emmanuel | Dubus, Bertrand | Leblois, Thérèse | Cretin, Bernard
2020 (7)
- inproceedings - Design of an Acoustic Transducer Structure for Biosensing
5th International Conference on Advances in Sensors, Actuators, Metering and Sensing (Allsensors 2020) / Valencia, Spain (2020, Pages pages 76 - 77)
Attal, Emmanuel | Sok, Sophie | Leblois, Thérèse - article - Topology Challenge for the Assessment of Living Cell Deposits with Shear Bulk Acoustic Biosensor
Nanomaterials (Volume 10, Issue (10), oct 2020, Pages :2079 (15))
Oseev, Aleksandr | Mukhin, Nikolay | Elie-Caille, Céline | Boireau, Wilfrid | Lucklum, Ralf | Lecompte, Thomas Pierre | Remy-Martin, Fabien | Manceau, Jean-François | Chollet, Franck | Leblois, Thérèse - inproceedings - Theoretical study and finite element simulation of ZnO/GaAs higher-order Lamb waves for microsensor application in liquid media
IEEE Conference on Sensors (SENSORS 2020) / Rotterdam, Netherlands (2020, Pages pages 20258315 (3))
Hamidullah, Muhammad | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse - article - Towards an ultra-sensitive hybrid mass sensor based on mode localization without resonance tracking
Sensors (Volume 20, Issue (18), sep 2020, Pages :5295 (22))
Humbert, Claude | Walter, Vincent | Kacem, Najib | Leblois, Thérèse - article - Deposition and characterization of ZnO thin films on GaAs and Pt/GaAs substrates
Materials Chemistry and Physics (Volume 247, jun 2020, Pages :122854 (11))
Chawich, Juliana | Kuprenaite, Sabina | Margueron, Samuel | Boulet, Pascal | Dubowski, Jan J. | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse - article - Critical Influence of Dielectric Sensitive Material and Manufactured Process in Microwave Gas-Sensing: Application of Ammonia Detection with an Interdigital Sensor
ACS Omega (Volume 5, Issue (20), may 2020, Pages :11507 - 11514)
Rossignol, Jérôme | Harrabi, Amal | Stuerga, Didier | Pribetich, Pierre | Bailly, Guillaume | Leblois, Thérèse - article - Implementation of a tunable hybrid system with coupled high Q-factor resonators based on mode localization for sensing purposes
Smart Materials and Structures (Volume 29, Issue (2), jan 2020, Pages :02LT01 (6))
Humbert, Claude | Goavec-Merou, Gwenhaël | Walter, Vincent | Kacem, Najib | Leblois, Thérèse
2019 (3)
- inproceedings - Primary haemostasis assessment by real-time direct sensing of platelet-collagen interactions under a broad shear rate spectrum with microacoustic biosensor approach
23rd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS) (International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (µTAS) 2019) / Basel, , Switzerland (2019, Pages pages 1245-1246)
Oseev, Aleksandr | Remy-Martin, Fabien | Lecompte, Thomas Pierre | Rouleau, Alain | Mourey, Guillaume | Manceau, Jean-François | Elie-Caille, Céline | Boireau, Wilfrid | Leblois, Thérèse - inproceedings - Microbiocapteur acoustique : principe et exemples d’application
Biomedical workshop of the Federation Fabri de Pereisc (IUSTI 2019) / Marseille, France (2019)
Leblois, Thérèse - article - Formation Kinetics of Mixed Self-Assembled Monolayers of Alkanethiols on GaAs(100)
Langmuir (Volume 35, Issue (13), apr 2019, Pages :4415 - 4427)
Lacour, Vivien | Moumanis, Khalid | Hassen, Walid | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse | Dubowski, Jan J.
2018 (3)
- inproceedings - Specificity and Sensitivity Characterization of a Gallium Arsenide Resonant Bio-Sensor
IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS 2018) / Kobe, Japan (Volume 1, 2018, Pages pages 1 - 4)
Chawich, Juliana | Leblois, Thérèse | Elie-Caille, Céline | Boiteux, Pierre - inproceedings - On the implementation of mode localization between physical and digital resonators
IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS 2018) / Kobe, Japan (2018, Pages pages 1 - 4)
Humbert, Claude | Goavec-Merou, Gwenhaël | Bertin, Thomas | Kacem, Najib | Walter, Vincent | Leblois, Thérèse - inproceedings - Integration of Microresonant Sensor into a Microfluidic Platform for the Real Time Analysis of Platelets-Collagen Interaction in Flow Condition
32th Eurosensors Conference (EUROSENSORS 2018) / Graz, Austria (Volume 2, Issue 13, 2018, Pages pages 940 (5))
Oseev, Aleksandr | Le Roy de Boiseaumarié, Benoit | Remy-Martin, Fabien | Manceau, Jean-François | Rouleau, Alain | Chollet, Franck | Boireau, Wilfrid | Leblois, Thérèse
2017 (6)
- inproceedings - BioMicroDevice research group at FEMTO-ST Institute: from fundamental to applied sciences, from laboratory bench to patients
8th BIT World Gene Convention (2017) / Macau, Macao (2017)
Wacogne, Bruno | Leblois, Thérèse - inproceedings - Homogénéisation de l'écoulement dans une cellule de Hele-Shaw et caractérisation par µPIV en champ large
Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2017) / Lille, France (2017, Pages pages 7)
Azzopardi, Charles-Louis | Leblois, Thérèse | Barthes, Magali | Manceau, Jean-François | Chollet, Franck - inproceedings - ZnO-GaAs acoustic biosensors: Focus on ZnO thin film characterization
18th Canadian Semiconductor Science and Technology Conference (CSSTC 2017) / Waterloo, Canada (2017)
Chawich, Juliana | Bartasyte, Ausrine | Orlianges, J.C. | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse | Dubowski, Jan J. - inproceedings - Laser patterning of GaAs (001) functionalized with alkanethiolself-assembled monolayers
18th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication (LPM 2017) / Toyama, Japan (2017)
Dubowski, Jan J. | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse - inproceedings - Resonant biosensor characterization: Temperature, pH and salt concentration dependence
3rd International Workshop on Functionalised Surfaces for Sensor Applications (SURFOCAP 2017) / Besançon, France (2017)
Lacour, Vivien | Chawich, Juliana | Dubowski, Jan J. | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse - article - A Fluidic Interface with High Flow Uniformity for Reusable Large Area Resonant Biosensors
Micromachines (Volume 8, Issue (10), 2017, Pages :308 (15))
Azzopardi, Charles-Louis | Lacour, Vivien | Manceau, Jean-François | Barthes, Magali | Bonnet, Dimitri | Chollet, Franck | Leblois, Thérèse
2016 (4)
- inproceedings - GaAs-ZnO acoustic microsensors: Focus on ZnO thin film characterization
2016 Forum Franco-Quebecois d’Innovation en Santé (MEDTEQ 2016) / Montréal, Canada (2016)
Chawich, Juliana | Bartasyte, Ausrine | Elie-Caille, Céline | Dubowski, Jan J. | Leblois, Thérèse - inproceedings - Thermal and conductivity dependence of GaAs based acoustic biosensors
IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS 2016) / Tours, France (2016, Pages pages 1-4)
Leblois, Thérèse | Lacour, Vivien - inproceedings - GaAs-ZnO coupling for biosensing applications
2016 Colloque UMI- LN2 ( 2016) / Estrimont , Canada (2016)
Chawich, Juliana | Bartasyte, Ausrine | Dubowski, Jan J. | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse - article - Regeneration of a thiolated and antibody functionalized GaAs (001) surface using wet chemical processes
Biointerphases (Volume 11, Issue (1), mar 2016, Pages :019302 (6))
Lacour, Vivien | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse | Dubowski, Jan J.
2015 (2)
- inproceedings - GaAs Lamb Wave Micro Sensor.
2nd International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications (2015) / Online (Electronic Conference), Switzerland (Volume 2, 2015, Pages pages C001 (5))
Manceau, Jean-François | Billot, Margot | Lacour, Vivien | Leblois, Thérèse - incollection - Procédé de lithographie et gravure chimique: principes et exemples d'applications, in
Topographie des surfaces et interactions multi-échelles (Publisher : Hermès, Editor : J. Takadoum, H. Zahouani, 2015)
Leblois, Thérèse | Domatti, Anne
2014 (6)
- article - GaAs Coupled Micro Resonators with Enhanced Sensitive Mass Detection
Sensors (Volume 14, dec 2014, Pages :22785 - 22797)
Chopard, Tony | Lacour, Vivien | Leblois, Thérèse - inproceedings - Gallium arsenide bulk acoustic wave sensor for biological molecules detection
Lacour, Vivien | Dubowski, Jan J. | Leblois, Thérèse - inproceedings - Advances in high sensitive GaAs resonant biosensor
CMOS Emerging Technology Research symposium / Grenoble, France (2014)
Leblois, Thérèse | Lacour, Vivien | Bienaime, Alex | Elie-Caille, Céline | Dubowski, Jan J. - inproceedings - High Sensitive Mass Detection using GaAs Coupled Micro Resonators
1st International e-conference on Sensors and Applications / Online (Electronic Conference), Online (Electronic Conference) (2014, Pages pages c007 (6))
Chopard, Tony | Leblois, Thérèse - inproceedings - Design and experimental studies of gallium arsenide bulk acoustic wave transducer under lateral field excitation
28th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF 2014) / Neufchatel, Switzerland (2014)
Lacour, Vivien | Bienaime, Alex | Manceau, Jean-François | Dubowski, Jan J. | Leblois, Thérèse - inproceedings - Length-extension LGS microresonators for FM-AFM: microfabrication and shear effects sensitivity
proceeding of the 2014 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium / Taipei, Taiwan (Volume ~, Issue ~, 2014, Pages pages 10.1109/FCS.2014.6859873)
Leblois, Thérèse | Henrot, Fabien | Herth, Etienne | Sthal, Fabrice
2013 (4)
- inproceedings - Gallium Arsenide acoustic wave sensor for bio-sensing applications: Acoustic transducer design and microfabrication
Lacour, Vivien | Bienaime, Alex | Elie-Caille, Céline | Dubowski, Jan J. | Leblois, Thérèse - article - Influence of a Thiolate Chemical Layer on GaAs (100) Biofunctionalization: An Original Approach Coupling Atomic Force Microscopy and Mass Spectrometry Methods
Materials (Volume 6, Issue (11), oct 2013, Pages :4946 - 4966)
Bienaime, Alex | Leblois, Thérèse | Gremaud, Nicolas | Chaudon, Maxime-Jean | El Osta, Marven | Pecqueur, Delphine | Ducoroy, Patrick | Elie-Caille, Céline - misc - Characterization of the Breast Cancer Marker Candidate LAG3 Protein in Human Plasma by Direct SPRi-MALDI-MS Analysis from Antibody Arrays
(sep 2013)
Remy-Martin, Fabien | El Osta, Marven | Lucchi, Géraldine | Zeggari, Rabah | Leblois, Thérèse | Bellon, Sophie | Ly - Morin, E. | Frydman, C. | Suckau, D. | Ducoroy, Patrick | Boireau, Wilfrid - inproceedings - Monolithic probes in Langasite for FM-AFM techniques
Leblois, Thérèse | Elie-Caille, Céline | Sthal, Fabrice
2012 (10)
- inproceedings - Design of a specific fluidic and electrical interface for a piezoelectric biosensor
/ Krakow, Poland (Volume 47, 2012, Pages pages 558 – 561)
Bienaime, Alex | Elie-Caille, Céline | Fluhr, Christophe | Manceau, Jean-François | Leblois, Thérèse - inproceedings - High sensitive mass detection using piezoelectric coupled microcantilevers
26th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers, EUROSENSOR 2012 / Krakow, Poland (Volume 47, 2012, Pages pages 350 – 353)
Chopard, Tony | Bienaime, Alex | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse - inproceedings - Automated Cancer Marker Characterization in Human Plasma Using SUrface PLASMON (SUPRA-MS)
/ Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Volume 6, 2012, Pages pages 11 - 19)
Remy-Martin, Fabien | El Osta, Marven | Lucchi, Géraldine | Zeggari, Rabah | Leblois, Thérèse | Bellon, Sophie | Ducoroy, Patrick | Boireau, Wilfrid - inproceedings - High sensitive mass detection using piezoelectric coupled microcantilevers
Eurosensors XXVI / Krakow, Poland (2012)
Chopard, Tony | Bienaime, Alex | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse - article - Reconstitution of a protein monolayer on thiolates functionalized gaas surface
International Journal of Nanoscience (Volume 11, Issue (4), aug 2012, Pages :1240018)
Bienaime, Alex | Leblois, Thérèse | Lucchi, Géraldine | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Ducoroy, Patrick | Boireau, Wilfrid | Elie-Caille, Céline - article - Micro structuration of GaAs surface by wet etching : towards a specific surface behavior
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Volume 12, Issue (8), aug 2012, Pages :6855 - 6863)
Bienaime, Alex | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse - article - Surface Plasmon Resonance imaging in Arrays coupled with Mass Spectrometry (SUPRA-MS): proof of concept of on-chip characterizations of a potential breast cancer marker in human plasma.
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (Volume 404, Issue (2), aug 2012, Pages :423 - 432)
Remy-Martin, Fabien | El Osta, Marven | Lucchi, Géraldine | Zeggari, Rabah | Leblois, Thérèse | Bellon, Sophie | Ducoroy, Patrick | Boireau, Wilfrid - inproceedings - Piezoelectric biosensor: electric and fluidic interfaces
5ème Colloque du Laboratoire International Associé en Nanotechnologies et Nanosystèmes / Oxford, Canada (2012)
Bienaime, Alex | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse - article - Design and microfabrication of a lateral excited GaAs biosensor
European Physical Journal Applied Physics (EPJ AP) (Volume 57, Issue (2), feb 2012, Pages :21003 (11))
Bienaime, Alex | Liu, L. | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse - inproceedings - Label Free Emerging Technology Based on SPR Biochips Combined with Mass Spectrometry for Deep Characterizations of Protein Markers in Complex Media
Remy-Martin, Fabien | El Osta, Marven | Gibot, S. | Rouleau, Alain | Derive, M. | Max, J - P. | Simon, Benoît | Zeggari, Rabah | Leblois, Thérèse | Bellon, Sophie | Lucchi, Géraldine | Ducoroy, Patrick | Boireau, Wilfrid
2011 (7)
- inproceedings - Fully automated biomarker characterizations using supra-ms approach in human plasma.
2nd International Conference on Bio-Sensing Technology / Amsterdam, Netherlands (2011)
Remy-Martin, Fabien | El Osta, Marven | Lucchi, Géraldine | Rouleau, Alain | Leblois, Thérèse | Ducoroy, Patrick | Boireau, Wilfrid - inproceedings - Biomarker characterizations using supra-ms approach in human plasma.
Remy-Martin, Fabien | El Osta, Marven | Lucchi, Géraldine | Rouleau, Alain | Leblois, Thérèse | Ducoroy, Patrick | Boireau, Wilfrid - inproceedings - GaAs resonant biosensor: Theoretical results, micro-fabrication and tests
Atelier LEA / Arc et Senans, France (2011)
Bienaime, Alex | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse - inproceedings - CLIPP: Clinical-innovation proteomic platform, AXE NAMIBIO
4ème colloque du Laboratoire International Associé : Nanotechnologies & Nanosystèmes / Allevard-les-Bains, France (2011)
Boireau, Wilfrid | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse | Lesniewska, Eric | Bourillot, Eric | Delage-Mouroux, Régis | Ducoroy, Patrick - inproceedings - Efficient gallium arsenide surface for a resonant biosensor
4ème colloque du Laboratoire International Associé : Nanotechnologies & Nanosystèmes / Allevard-les-Bains, France (2011)
Bienaime, Alex | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse - inproceedings - GaAs resonant biosensor: Theoretical results, micro-fabrication and tests
22nd Micromechanics and microsystems technology Europe workshop (MME 2011) / Tønsberg, Norway (2011, Pages pages 206 - 209)
Bienaime, Alex | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse - inproceedings - Multiplex ligand fishing in human plasma using supra ms approach : surface plasmon resonance array – mass spectrometry
Huma Proteome Organisation - HUPO 2011 / Genève, Suisse (2011)
Remy-Martin, Fabien | El Osta, Marven | Lucchi, Géraldine | Rouleau, Alain | Leblois, Thérèse | Boireau, Wilfrid | Ducoroy, Patrick
2010 (10)
- article - Langasite as a piezoelectric material for near-field microscopy resonant cantilevers
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control (Volume 57, Issue (11), nov 2010, Pages :2531 - 2536 )
Douchet, Gabrielle | Sthal, Fabrice | Leblois, Thérèse | Bigler, Emmanuel - inproceedings - Développement d’une plateforme SuPRa-MS: Résonance des plasmas en array combinée à la spectrmétrie de masse pour le diagnostic clinique
Rémy-Martin, Jean-Paul | El Osta, Marven | Ly - Morin, E. | Boireau, Wilfrid | Leblois, Thérèse | Ducoroy, Patrick | Lucchi, Géraldine | Rouleau, Alain | Bellon, Sophie | Frydman, C. - misc - GaAs as a crystal for bioMEMS : Micromachining of the sensing surface
Communication orale, 12-15 Septembre 2010, Agadir (Maroc). (sep 2010)
Bienaime, Alex | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse - inproceedings - Multi-scale characterization of bio-functionalised GaAs crystal plates: towards a performant biosensor
APCOT 2010, 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology. / Perth, Australia. (2010)
Bienaime, Alex | Moussus, M. | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Lucchi, Géraldine | Leblois, Thérèse | Elie-Caille, Céline - proceedings - Design of new Lateral Field Excitation GaAs Resonant Biosensors
APCOT 2010, 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology (jul 2010)
Bienaime, Alex | Liu, L. | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse - inproceedings - Chemically etched resonant LGS microsensors
Frequency Control Symposium (FCS), 2010 IEEE International / Newport Beach, CA (Publisher : IEEE, 2010, Pages pages 590 - 595 )
Douchet, Gabrielle | Medeira, O. | Sthal, Fabrice | Leblois, Thérèse - article - Computer aided design of Langasite resonant cantilevers: analytical models and simulations
European Physical Journal Applied Physics (EPJ AP) (Volume 50, Issue (2), may 2010, Pages :20303 (13))
Tellier, Colette | Leblois, Thérèse | Durand, S. - inproceedings - Development of a batch processed and regenerable GaAs biosensor: Incidence of GaAs crystal plates nanostructuration on surface performance
BIOSENSORS 2010, 20th Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors / Glasgow, UK (2010)
Elie-Caille, Céline | Moussus, M. | Lucchi, Géraldine | Blondeau-Patissier, Virginie | Ducoroy, Patrick | Boireau, Wilfrid | Leblois, Thérèse - inproceedings - Langasite resonant structures: fabrication and characterization
EFTF-2010 24th European Frequency and Time Forum / Noordwijk, The Netherlands (Publisher : IEEE, 2010, Pages pages P2.54 (7))
Leblois, Thérèse | Le Traon, Olivier - inproceedings - Towards the miniaturization of (hhl) resonant sensors for biochemical and environmental applications
61st Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry ISE 2010 / Nice, France (2010)
Tellier, Colette | Leblois, Thérèse | Petitjean, Carine