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Industrial Relations

Industrial partnerships are at the heart of FEMTO-ST's activities. They can take different forms and cover a large part of the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) scale of technology maturity (from concept to realization of products and / or industrializable processes):

  • expertise, advice
  • and scientific watch scientific
  • and technological training technological developments research contracts

These are research projects conducted in partnership with public bodies or companies.

The latter can benefit from a tax deduction (research tax credit) in this respect.Intellectual property is negotiated in a very open framework: taking of patent, transfer of licenses, sharing of know-how, ...


Are more particularly privileged:
- CIFRE thesis
The FEMTO-ST institute can provide scientific supervision of theses conducted in partnership with companies.
- joint laboratories with companies
FEMTO-ST wishes to continue to develop long-term structures with companies to better support industrial R & D.
- framework contracts
The institute is keen to forge lasting links with industry, a mark of shared scientific will.

To strengthen its relations with the industrial world, the institute has created a service dedicated to partnership research, which is committed to responsiveness, professionalism, confidentiality and the measurement of satisfaction.


Service des Relations Industrielles - Institut FEMTO-ST

15B, Avenue des Montboucons - F-25030 Besançon Cedex

+33(0)363082412 ;

The Industrial Relations department, as well as the other FEMTO-ST common services, is committed to a quality approach and is certified ISO 9001-version 2015 by AFNOR for its activities of providing resources and providing services.

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