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FEMTO-ST partner of the Joint Technology Unit "CAPPLAI"

For the development of sensors to control and optimize the performance of dairy processes.                                                                                     

The Mixed Technology Unit ACTIA CAPPLAI was labeled on November 25, 2021 by notification of the Education and Research Ministry for the period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2026.

Based in Poligny (Jura-France), this Unit  is made up of 4 partners: ACTALIA, INRAE (INRAE-URTAL of Poligny and INRAE-STLO of Rennes), ISBA (Institute of Sciences, Biotechnologies and Agro-food - agricultural complex federating the schools of dairy industry of Poligny and Mamirolle) and FEMTO-ST.

In a context of commitment of the agri-food field, and consequently of the dairy sector, towards a ≪ factory of the future 4.0 ≫ the digital transformation of companies involves, among other things, the integration of intelligent equipment for the realization of real-time measurements within the transformation processes.

This modernization of the industrial tool is a real lever of competitiveness for companies since it contributes to the improvement of processes and product quality.

The main objectives of this partnership are the design and development of sensors that can be installed on the production lines of dairy plants.

The development of new sensors should allow the characterization of dairy matrices as well as the collection of technological indicators.

Already, FEMTO-ST is involved in two of the Unit projects :

Coagucapt :Sensor of viscoelastic properties of liquid/gel. (Involvement of all the partners of the UMT). Application to cheese processing. 

The objective is to develop a sensor in line, within the tanks for the measurement of the time of setting and the measurement of the evolution of the firmness during the process of transformation of milk into cheese (comté for example). This study includes: choice of the agro compatible material, design of the transducer, manufacturing of the transducer, study of its response and tests in laboratory and industrial conditions (vibrations, temperature, cleaning...). Integration of the sensor in the equipment (tanks, production lines...).

 FRI-BPI Project  2019-2022

Contacts : JF Manceau, Julien Dufourmantelle


Biospalai : Specific Biodetection of Milk Pathogens.  (FEMTO-ST in partnership with ACTALIA)

The objective is to reduce by 3 the analysis time of the presence of pathogens in milk and to carry out tests on several pathogens simultaneously.

FRi-BPI 2022 project with the recruitment of an engineer for 1 year and then a CIFRE PhD with ACTALIA from 2023

Contacts : Thérèse Leblois, Vincent Humblot

Plus d’informations : Thérèse Leblois

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