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IEEE ICEMS Conference : Best paper award
Researchers from SHARPAC team/ENERGY department of FEMTO-ST institute received the Best Paper Award at the IEEE International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems for their work on the influence of electrical conductivity on eddy-current losses in electrical machines.
Their presentation was indeed selected among 531 in total and received on this occasion the Best Paper Award during this conference which was held from October 31 to November 3 in Gyeongju, Korea.
The paper focuses on the validation of a 2-D analytical model for the eddy-current loss calculation in conductive massive parts (magnet, copper, aluminum…). The electrical conductivity influence associated with the segmentation is studied. The difference between the experimental results and the analytical predictions is less than 5 %.
It is demonstrated experimentally that the segmentation can decrease eddy-current losses in some materials, and increase them in others. It is also established experimentally that segmentation does not automatically reduce eddy-current losses (which has never been done before in the literature).
Référence :
- Plait and F. Dubas, “Electrical conductivity influence on eddy-current losses: analytical study and experimental validation,” in Proc. Int. Conf. on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2021), Gyeongju, Korea, 31 Oct.-03 Nov. 2021, pp. 554-557. (Award obtained: “ICEMS 2021 Best Paper”).
Acknowledgement :
This work was supported by RENAULT-SAS, Guyancourt, France. This scientific study is related to the project “Conception optimale des chaines de Traction Electrique” (COCTEL) financed by the “Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l’Energie” (ADEME) in the program “Véhicule du futur des Investissements de l’avenir”.
Antony PLAIT et Frédéric DUBAS
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