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Sébastien Euphrasie

Sébastien Euphrasie's publications

2024 (1)

  • article - Controlling heat capacity in a thermal concentrator using metamaterials: Numerical and experimental studies
    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (Volume 220, mar 2024, Pages :124909 (7))
    Arepolage, Thiwanka | Verdy, Christophe | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Leray, Aymeric | Euphrasie, Sébastien

2022 (2)

2021 (2)

  • article - Experimental evidence of high spatial confinement of elastic energy in a phononic cantilever
    Applied Physics Letters (Volume 119, Issue (20), nov 2021, Pages :203501 (6))
    Coffy, Etienne | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Vairac, Pascal | Khelif, Abdelkrim
  • inproceedings - L’entreprise biomédicale Biotika® : son fonctionnement, son système qualité et le projet de télésurveillance post-chirurgicale Lambotika
    2021 Colloque sur l'enseignement des technologies et des sciences de l'information et des systèmes (CETSIS 2021) / Valenciennes, France (2021)
    Euphrasie, Sébastien | Note, Laurent | Jarjour, Hala | Aupet, Jean-Baptiste | Butterlin-Fillon, Nadia
    pdf | bibtex

2020 (3)

2019 (5)

  • article - Calibration of thermocouple-based scanning thermal microscope in active mode (2ω method)
    Review of Scientific Instruments (Volume 90, nov 2019, Pages :114901 (9))
    Nguyen, Tran Phong | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Thiery, Laurent | Gomes, Séverine | Vairac, Pascal | HAY, Bruno
  • article - Calibration Tools for Scanning Thermal Microscopy Probes Used in Temperature Measurement Mode
    Journal of Heat Transfer (Volume 141, jul 2019, Pages :9)
    Vairac, Pascal | Gomes, Séverine | L, Aigouy | Briand, Danick | Khan, S. | Lemaire, Etienne | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Nguyen, Tran Phong | Thiery, Laurent
  • inproceedings - Anisotropic propagation of surface elastic waves in inclined columnar thin films
    20th International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena (ICPPP 2019) / Moscow, Russian Federation (2019)
    Chargui, Asma | El Beainou, Raya | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Mosset, Alexis | Martin, Nicolas | Vairac, Pascal
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Electrical resistivity and elastic wave propagation anisotropy in glancing angle deposited tungsten and gold thin films
    Applied Surface Science (Volume 475, may 2019, Pages :606 - 614)
    El Beainou, Raya | Chargui, Asma | Pedrosa, Paulo | Mosset, Alexis | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Vairac, Pascal | Martin, Nicolas
  • inproceedings - Morphological features and acoustic anisotropy in oriented thin films
    2019 Rencontre thématique du GDR Ondes 2451 : Ondes et Topologie (2019) / Besançon, France (2019)
    Chargui, Asma | El Beainou, Raya | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Mosset, Alexis | Martin, Nicolas | Vairac, Pascal
    pdf | bibtex

2018 (6)

  • inproceedings - Microwire thermocouple Scanning Thermal Microscope (SThM) in active mode: thermal conductivity measurement of bulk materials
    Nanoscale and Microscale Heat Transfer VI, (Eurotherm seminar No 111 2018) / Levi, Lapland, Finland (2018)
    Nguyen, Tran Phong | Thiery, Laurent | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Vairac, Pascal | Gomes, Séverine
  • inproceedings - A tool for temperature calibration and comparison of Scanning Thermal Microscopy (SThM) probes,
    Nanoscale and Microscale Heat Transfer VI, (Eurotherm seminar No 111 2018) / Levi, Lapland, Finland (2018)
    Nguyen, Tran Phong | Thiery, Laurent | Vairac, Pascal | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Lemaire, Etienne | Khan, S. | Briand, Danick | Gomes, Séverine
  • inproceedings - Isotropic and anisotropic behaviors in microstructured thin films
    Workshop Photonic Days 2018 (PhyBFC 2018) / Dijon, France (2018)
    Chargui, Asma | Pedrosa, Paulo | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Mosset, Alexis | Martin, Nicolas | Vairac, Pascal
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Isotropic and anisotropic behaviors in microstructured thin films
    Atelier du Collegium international SMYLE (2018) / Neuchatel, Switzerland (2018)
    Chargui, Asma | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Mosset, Alexis | Martin, Nicolas | Vairac, Pascal
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Anisotropic behaviors in metallic thin films obliquely sputter-deposited
    Materials Science Engineering (MSE 2018) / Darmstadt, Germany (2018)
    El Beainou, Raya | Chargui, Asma | Coffy, Etienne | Pedrosa, Paulo | Mosset, Alexis | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Vairac, Pascal | Martin, Nicolas
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Microfabricated high temperature sensing platform dedicated toscanning thermal microscopy (SThM)
    Sensors and Actuators A: Physical (Volume 275, jun 2018, Pages :109 – 118)
    Nguyen, Tran Phong | Lemaire, Etienne | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Thiery, Laurent | Teyssieux, Damien | Briand, Danick | Vairac, Pascal

2017 (4)

  • article - Anisotropic propagation imaging of elastic waves in oriented columnar thin films
    Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (Volume 50, nov 2017, Pages :484005 (8))
    Coffy, Etienne | Dodane, Guillaume | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Mosset, Alexis | Vairac, Pascal | Martin, Nicolas | Baida, Hatim | Rampnoux, Jean-Michel | Dilhaire, Stefan
  • inproceedings - Thermal Conductivity of Thin Films
    Atelier du Collegium international SMYLE (2017) / Besançon, France (2017)
    Chargui, Asma | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Vairac, Pascal
  • article - Evidence of a broadband gap in a phononic crystal strip
    Ultrasonics (Volume 78, jul 2017, Pages :51 - 56)
    Coffy, Etienne | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Addouche, Mahmoud | Vairac, Pascal | Khelif, Abdelkrim
  • inproceedings - Femtosecond heterodyne pump-probe setup Characterization of the anisotropic propagation of surface elastic waves in nanostructured thin film
    2nd Workshop on Optomechanics and Brillouin Scattering: Fundamentals, Applications and Technologies (WOMBAT 2017) / CAMPINAS, Brazil (2017)
    Coffy, Etienne | Dodane, Guillaume | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Mosset, Alexis | Martin, Nicolas | Vairac, Pascal
    pdf | bibtex

2016 (3)

  • inproceedings - Evidence of a large elastic band gap in a one-dimensional phononic crystal
    Atelier du Collegium international SMYLE (2016) / Neuchâtel, Switzerland (2016)
    Coffy, Etienne | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Vairac, Pascal | Khelif, Abdelkrim
  • inproceedings - Evidence of a large elastic band gap in a one-dimensional phononic crystal
    IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS 2016) / Tours, France (2016, Pages pages 4)
    Coffy, Etienne | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Vairac, Pascal | Khelif, Abdelkrim
    doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Femtosecond heterodyn pump probe platform
    Assemblée Générale du Groupement De Recherche ONDES (GDR Ondes 2016) / Besançon, France (2016)
    Coffy, Etienne | Dodane, Guillaume | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Mosset, Alexis | Martin, Nicolas | Vairac, Pascal

2015 (7)

  • article - Ultra-wide acoustic band gaps in pillar-based phononic crystal strips
    Journal of Applied Physics (Volume 118, Issue (21), dec 2015, Pages :214902)
    Coffy, Etienne | Lavergne, Thomas | Addouche, Mahmoud | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Vairac, Pascal | Khelif, Abdelkrim
  • inproceedings - Cristaux phononiques 1D à larges bandes de fréquences interdites
    Assemblée Générale du Groupement De Recherche ONDES (GDR Ondes 2015) / Lyon, France (2015)
    Coffy, Etienne | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Vairac, Pascal | Khelif, Abdelkrim
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Ultra-wide acoustic band gaps in silicon-tungsten based phononic crystal strips
    Atelier du Collegium international SMYLE (2015) / Besancon, France (2015)
    Coffy, Etienne | Lavergne, Thomas | Addouche, Mahmoud | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Vairac, Pascal | Khelif, Abdelkrim
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Micromachined temperature calibration tool for contact Scanning Thermal Microscope probes
    2015 International Workshop on Thermal Investigation of ICs and Systems (Therminic 2015) / Paris, France (2015)
    Bontempi, Alexia | Nguyen, Tran Phong | Lemaire, Etienne | Thiery, Laurent | Teyssieux, Damien | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Briand, Danick | Vairac, Pascal
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Room temperature Si–Ti thermopile THz sensor
    Microsystem Technologies (Volume 21, Issue (8), jul 2015, Pages :1627-1631)
    Ben Mbarek, Sofiane | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Baron, Thomas | Thiery, Laurent | Vairac, Pascal | Briand, Danick | Guillet, Jean-Pierre | Chusseau, Laurent
  • inproceedings - Femtosecond Heterodyne Pump Probe Platform
    3rd International Conference on Phononic Crystals/Metamaterials, Phonon Transport and Phonon Coupling (Phononics 2015) / Paris, France (2015)
    Dodane, Guillaume | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Teyssieux, Damien | Vairac, Pascal | Baida, Hatim | Rampnoux, Jean-Michel | Dilhaire, Stefan | Bertin, François | Chabli, Amal | Rigail, Pierre
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Ultra-Wide Acoustic Band Gaps in Silicon-Tungsten Based Phononic Crystal Strips
    3rd International Conference on Phononic Crystals/Metamaterials, Phonon Transport and Phonon Coupling (Phononics 2015) / Paris, France (2015)
    Lavergne, Thomas | Coffy, Etienne | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Vairac, Pascal | Khelif, Abdelkrim
    pdf | bibtex

2014 (2)

  • inproceedings - DigiTech : un projet de l’entreprise biomédicale Biotika
    11ème Colloque sur l'enseignement des technologies et des sciences de l'information et des systèmes (CETSIS 2014) / Besançon, France (2014)
    Euphrasie, Sébastien | Soto-Romero, Georges | Butterlin-Fillon, Nadia | Flores, S. | Guyon, Florent | Klein, B. | François, S.
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Femtosecond heterodyne pump probe platform
    Dodane, Guillaume | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Teyssieux, Damien | Salman, Gabriel Salman | Vairac, Pascal | Baida, Hatim | Rampnoux, Jean-Michel | Dilhaire, Stefan | Bertin, François | Chabli, Amal | Rigail, Pierre

2013 (4)

  • article - Thermoelastic investigation of a quartz tuning fork used in infrared spectroscopy
    Applied Physics Letters (Volume 103, Issue (20), nov 2013, Pages :201111)
    Spajer, Michel | Cavallier, Bruno | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Matten, Gaël | Vacheret, Xavier | Vairac, Pascal | Vernier, David | Jalocha, Alain
  • inproceedings - Stéréocorrélation d'images numériques : 2 ans d'utilisations variées sur les essais aéronautiques
    Club Méthodes et Techniques Optiques pour l'Industrie (CMOI) / Orléans, France (2013)
    Kalaidji, D. | Spajer, Michel | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Matten, Gaël | Vairac, Pascal | Jalocha, Alain
  • article - Room temperature thermopile THz sensor
    Sensors and Actuators A: Physical (Volume 193, apr 2013, Pages :155 - 160)
    Ben Mbarek, Sofiane | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Baron, Thomas | Thiery, Laurent | Vairac, Pascal | Cretin, Bernard | Guillet, Jean-Pierre | Chusseau, Laurent
  • article - Electro-Optic Sensor for Specific Absorption Rate Measurements
    Applied Physics Letters (Volume 102, Issue (3), jan 2013, Pages :033502)
    Euphrasie, Sébastien | Zhang, Shuo | Butet, Romain | Vairac, Pascal

2011 (4)

  • article - MEMS in-plane motion/vibration measurement system based CCD camera
    Measurement (Volume 44, Issue (10), dec 2011, Pages :2205 - 2216)
    Teyssieux, Damien | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Cretin, Bernard
  • inproceedings - Détection par un diapason de quartz en spectroscopie d'absorption infra-rouge
    12ème Colloque international francophone Contrôles et Mesures Optiques pour l'Industrie (CMOI 2011) / Lille, France (2011, Pages pages Session V ndegre5)
    Rincon Castillo, Boris | Vacheret, Xavier | Spajer, Michel | Vairac, Pascal | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Jalocha, Alain | Moec, Samuel | Hirtz, Patricia | Marthouret, Nadège | Vernier, David
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Electro-optic sensors for specific absorption rate measurements
    5th International Conference on Electromagnetic Near-Field Characterization and Imaging (ICONIC 2011) / Rouen, France (2011, Pages pages 3A)
    Zhang, Shuo | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Vairac, Pascal | Cretin, Bernard
  • inproceedings - Micro-bolomètres à température ambiante pour la microscopie champ proche Térahertz
    Euphrasie, Sébastien | Ben Mbarek, Sofiane | Baron, Thomas | Thiery, Laurent | Briand, Danick | Vairac, Pascal | Cretin, Bernard | Adam, R. | Chusseau, Laurent | Guillet, Jean-Pierre | Penarier, A.

2010 (1)

  • inproceedings - Investigations of room temperature bolometers for THz applications
    35th International Conference on Infrared Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz 2010) - IEEE / Roma, Italy (Publisher : IEEE, 2010, Pages pages We-P.27 (2))
    Ben Mbarek, Sofiane | Baron, Thomas | Euphrasie, Sébastien | Thiery, Laurent | Cretin, Bernard | Vairac, Pascal | Briand, Danick | Guillet, Jean-Pierre | Adam, R. | Chusseau, Laurent | Penarier, A.
    doi | bibtex