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Prepare a CNRS researcher application at FEMTO-ST

FEMTO-ST supports your application to become a CNRS researcher


The French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) is a public multidisciplinary research organization. It is a worldwide recognised institution employing Junior and Senior Researchers located throughout France and abroad. You may move from a CNRS host laboratory to another along your careers. The job offers are based on an annual competition. Candidates can request the support from FEMTO-ST, a host laboratory of CNRS.


The disciplinary sections mainly targeted in FEMTO-ST are those of CNRS-Engineering and CNRS-Information Sciences and in particular the following domains (named sections):
- Section 07: Information sciences: signals, images, languages, automation, robotics, interactions, hardware-software integrated systems
- Section 08: Micro- and nanotechnologies, micro- and nanosystems, photonics, electronics, electromagnetism, electrical energy
- Section 09: Solid Mechanic, Materials and structures. Biomechanics. Acoustics
- Interdisciplinary Commission CID 54: Fundamental phenomena and collective properties of living organisms: instrumental developments, experiments and physical models.


With more than 30 CNRS researchers, the FEMTO-ST unit has extensive expertise in preparing for the CNRS competition in several scientific domains. FEMTO-ST can help you to prepare your application and train you for the audition. Every candidate has to propose a scientific project and at least two host laboratories. This support is dedicated to candidates who will propose FEMTO-ST as host laboratory (1st place).
Candidates aiming to candidate in FEMTO-ST are invited to send the following documents before December, 1th, to directeur@femto-st.fr :
- A detailed CV
- A covering letter highlighting the motivation to both join the CNRS and propose a project to FEMTO-ST.
- Some elements of the scientific project and one or more host teams at FEMTO-ST (see website)
Information about the CNRS competition can be found at: https://carrieres.cnrs.fr/en/external-competitions-for-researchers-m-f/