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Best student paper Award for Clément Carlé at the international conférence IFCS-EFTF2022

This award was obtained in the "Microwave Frequency Standards" category of this major international conference in the field of time-frequency metrology, which took place in Paris from 24 to 28 April 2022.

Carlé PhD thesis, at the interface betwwen Time-Frequency and MN2S departments (OHMS and MOSAIC teams), concerns the development of miniaturized atomic clocks with enhanced long-term frequency stability performances. These clocks rely on the clock transition probing of cesium atoms confined in a microfabricated vapor cell with an optically-carried microwave signal, obtained by direct modulation of a diode laser. These frequency references are extremely attractive for numerous applications such as network synchronization, instrumentation or satellite-based navigation systems, and target a temporal instability lower than 1 microsecond per day in a volume of 15 cm3 and a total power consumption of 150 mW. In this domain, C. Carlé has demonstrated the implementation of advanced interrogation techniques that permit to reduce by more than two orders of magnitude the dependence of the clock frequency to laser field main parameters (power, frequency, ..). These results might pave the way to the development of next-generation miniature clocks with improved long-term stability, a critical point for the autonomy of missions and systems in hostile environments.

Contact : Clément Carlé

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  • Focus on the european MiMédi project

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