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Focus on the innovations of the "hydrogen-energy systems" sector

A few days after the announcement by the government of the launch of a major national hydrogen plan, the Femto-ST institute is organizing on 20 June 2018 at the FCLAB in Belfort, a focus on innovations in the "hydrogen energy systems" sector.

This is the opportunity to discover the new products of the company H2SYS and its development prospects, but also to apprehend the research work of Professor Daniel Hissel, director of the FCLAB and member of the FEMTO-ST Institute, awarded by the Blondel medal in 2017.

Contact : Daniel Hissel

  • FEMTO-ST at MICRONORA trade fair 2022

    From September 27th to 30th, more than 600 direct exhibitors and 15000 professional visitors are expected in Besançon on the international microtechnology exhibition. FEMTO-ST and FEMTO Engineering will be present.

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  • The fastest pick-and-place robot in the world

    A research team has developed a miniature robot capable of manipulating micrometric objects at unprecedented speeds. This work has been published in the prestigious American journal "Science Robotics"

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  • Aude Bolopion receives the 2022 “Big-in-Small award”

    This yearly award, from the microrobotics international community in the MARSS conference in Toronto, promotes “the best microrobotician” of the year at the international level.

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  • FEMTO-ST : 2 full professors appointed to the IUF in its class 2022

    Ausrine MARGUERON-BARTASYTE and Daniel HISSEL are among the 164  national laureates appointed to the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) by the Minister of Higher Education and Research

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  • Tribute to our colleague Philippe LUTZ

    Our scientific community of Burgundy-Franche-Comté has just suddenly lost Philippe LUTZ, full professor at the University of Franche-Comté and a leading figure in microrobotics and micromechatronics research at the FEMTO-ST laboratory.

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  • How to create a chemical bond with light?

    The formation of a chemical bond between two molecules often requires an activation process. Light is a stimulus that is particularly interesting

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  • Best student paper Award for Clément Carlé at the international conférence IFCS-EFTF2022

    This award was obtained in the "Microwave Frequency Standards" category of this major international conference in the field of time-frequency metrology, which took place in Paris from 24 to 28 April 2022.

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  • Daniel BRUNNER winner of an ERC Consolidator grant 2021

    Daniel BRUNNER is a CNRS researcher at the FEMTO-ST Institute and has been awarded a prestigious European Research Council Cosolidator Grant of 2M € for his INSPIRE project

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  • Daniel HISSEL awarded as « Fellow » of the IEEE society

    Professor in Electrical Engineering at the University of Franche-Comté and researcher at FEMTO-ST, Daniel Hissel has been awarded as  for his work on hydrogen systems.

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  • March 8, International Women's Day

    "Freedom, like Science, and Women's Rights, are fundamental issues for Humanity."

    FEMTO-ST chooses to display on this day of March 8 (also charged with the serious news of the war in Ukraine), its commitment to each of these three issues.

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