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Safa MERAGHNI receives the PEPITE prize in the regional "Female Initiative " competition

Her project is to create a "Smart Medical Assistant" which is an intelligent medical assistance device on a smartphone designed to help doctors in their diagnosis.

For the 16th consecutive year, Initiative “Doubs Territoire de Belfort”, a member association of the first network of associations to support and finance the creation and takeover of businesses, has organized a competition to promote female entrepreneurship.

The awards ceremony took place on December 6th in Dijon in the presence of representatives from the State, the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Region and Bpifrance.

5 winners were rewarded through the 103 applications received, including Safa Meraghni who received the PÉPITE prize.

In 2021, Safa Meraghni obtains her PhD in Computer Science, specializing in "Artificial Intelligence", carried out at FEMTO-ST Institute within the framework of the collaboration between ENSMM engineering school and the University of BISKRA (Algeria) while validating her Master 2 in Management and Administration of Companies, innovation and entrepreneurship course (IAE of Besançon at the University of Franche-Comté).

During her thesis at FEMTO-ST, she worked on a portable medical device "SBra" designed to detect early breast cancer. This project was financed by INTERREG France-Switzerland and the partnership between FEMTO-ST and the multidisciplinary team in human and social sciences (RECITS), the Pronostics and Health Management team as well as the Anatomy-Pathology Department (Anapath) of the North Franche-Comté Hospital (HNFC) and the swiss research center CSEM (Neuchatel).

It was during her research and in collaboration with the physicians of the Hôpital Nord Franche Comté, that Safa identified the difficulties of the administrative burden of the physicians and the lack of data follow-up.

Naturally, Safa then began to think about how to help doctors and this is where the innovative Smart Medical Assistant (SMA) project was born.  This smartphone application allows medical professionals to record exchanges with their patients, transcribe them and then, thanks to intelligent processing, extract the relevant information to help with medical diagnosis, thus saving practitioners precious time.

Today, Safa is working on her business creation project and is developing research work as part of a post-doctorate contract at FEMTO-ST thanks to the "Researcher-Entrepreneur Itinerary" support scheme of the BFC region and PEPITE.

 Contact : Safa MERAGHNI


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