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Olivier Lehmann
Olivier Lehmann's publications
2024 (2)
- article - In-situ SEM Microrobotics for Versatile Force/Deformation Characterization: Application to Third-Body MoS2 Wear Particles
Journal of Micro-Bio Robotics (Volume 20, Issue (), jul 2024, Pages :7 (X))
Hannouch, Ralf | Reynaud, Valentin | Colas, Guillaume | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Agnus, Joel | Lehmann, Olivier | Marionnet, François | Clevy, Cédric - article - Three-dimensional metrology of microturning tool edge radii
Precision Engineering (Volume 88, jun 2024, Pages :516 - 526)
Beb Caal, Mayra Yucely | Tadjouddine, Yanis | Boucheny, Alexandre | Lehmann, Olivier | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Dembele, Sounkalo | Piat, Nadine | Thibaud, Sébastien
2023 (2)
- inproceedings - Robotic-Based Selection, Manipulation and Characterization of 3D Microscale Particles with Complex Structures in SEM
2023 International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS 2023) / Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (2023, Pages pages 1 - 6)
Hannouch, Ralf | Colas, Guillaume | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Reynaud, Valentin | Agnus, Joel | Lehmann, Olivier | Marionnet, François | Clevy, Cédric - inproceedings - in-situ SEM Robotic-based Selection, Manipulation and Characterization of 3D Microscale Particles
2023 International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS 2023) / Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (2023, Pages pages 1 - 6)
Hannouch, Ralf | Colas, Guillaume | Reynaud, Valentin | Agnus, Joel | Lehmann, Olivier | Marionnet, François | Clevy, Cédric
2022 (3)
- article - Automating Robotic Micro-Assembly of Fluidic Chips and Single Fiber Compression Tests based-on XY Θ Visual Measurement with High-Precision Fiducial Markers
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (Volume 1, dec 2022, Pages :1 - 14)
André, Antoine | Lehmann, Olivier | Govilas, Jason | Laurent, Guillaume | Saadana, Hamdi | Sandoz, Patrick | Gauthier, Vladimir | Lefevre, Alexis | Bolopion, Aude | Agnus, Joel | Placet, Vincent | Clevy, Cédric - inproceedings - Proposal for a complete 3D surface reconstruction using images from a scanning electron microscope (SEM)
2022 Frontiers in Optics (2022) / Rochester, United States (Volume 1, Issue 1, 2022, Pages pages 2)
Beb Caal, Mayra Yucely | Dembele, Sounkalo | Bekel, Akkiz | Jouffroy-Bapicot, Isabelle | Thibaud, Sébastien | Piat, Nadine | Lehmann, Olivier | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Rougeot, Patrick | Lebas, Louis-Marie | Langlois, Cyril | Fellah, Clémentine | Cuny, Gilles | Masenelli-Varlot, Karine - article - Qualitative evidence of the flexoelectric effect in a single multi-wall carbon nanotube by nanorobotic manipulation
Applied Physics Letters (Volume 120, Issue (3), jan 2022, Pages :33101)
El Beainou, Raya | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Dembele, Sounkalo | Lehmann, Olivier | Hirsinger, Laurent | Devel, Michel
2021 (1)
- article - A Hybrid Concentric Tube Robot for Cholesteatoma Laser Surgery
IEEE Robotics and automation letters (Volume 7, Issue (1), nov 2021, Pages :462 - 469)
Nguyen, Dang Viet Anh | Girerd, Cédric | Boyer, Quentin | Rougeot, Patrick | Lehmann, Olivier | Tavernier, Laurent | Szewczyk, Jérôme | Rabenorosoa, Kanty
2020 (4)
- article - 6-DoF Full Robotic Calibration based-on 1-D Interferometric Measurements for Micro and Nano-Scales Applications
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (Volume 19, Issue (1), dec 2020, Pages :348 - 359)
Bettahar, Houari | Lehmann, Olivier | Clevy, Cédric | Courjal, Nadège | Lutz, Philippe - article - Autocalibration method for scanning electron microscope using affine camera model
Machine Vision and Applications (Volume 31, Issue (7), sep 2020, Pages :1 -15)
Kudryavtsev, Andrey | Guelpa, Valerian | Rougeot, Patrick | Lehmann, Olivier | Dembele, Sounkalo | Sturm, Peter | Piat, Nadine - article - Miniaturized robotics The smallest camera operator bot pays tribute to David Bowie.
IEEE Robotics & automation magazine (Volume 7, Issue (3), sep 2020, Pages :22 - 28)
Lehmann, Olivier | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Youen Vitry | Pinsard, Tibo | Lambert, Pierre | Gauthier, Michaël - article - Photo-Robotic Extrinsic Parameters Calibration of 6-DOF Robot for High Positioning Accuracy
IEEE-ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (Volume , jan 2020, Pages : )
Bettahar, Houari | Lehmann, Olivier | Clevy, Cédric | Courjal, Nadège | Lutz, Philippe
2019 (5)
- inproceedings - Flexoelectric coefficient of single carbon nanotubes
SFNano, C'Nano joint meeting 2019 / Dijon, France (2019)
El Beainou, Raya | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Dembele, Sounkalo | Lehmann, Olivier | Hirsinger, Laurent | Devel, Michel - inproceedings - Robotic nano-manipulation of MWCNTs on optical fibers for flexoelectric measurements
2019 Workshop manipulation and characterization at the microscale / Lisbon, Portugal (2019)
El Beainou, Raya | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Dembele, Sounkalo | Lehmann, Olivier | Hirsinger, Laurent | Devel, Michel - inproceedings - Towards measuring flexoelectric coefficients of single carbon nanotubes
5th International Smart Materials and Surfaces Conference (SMS 2019) / Lisbonne, Portugal (2019)
El Beainou, Raya | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Dembele, Sounkalo | Lehmann, Olivier | Hirsinger, Laurent | Lecoutre, Gautier | Devel, Michel - inproceedings - In-situ Versatile Characterization of Carbon NanoTubes using Nanorobotics
2019 International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS 2019) / Helsinki, Finland (2019, Pages pages 1 - 6)
Clevy, Cédric | Sauvet, Bruno | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Lehmann, Olivier | Marionnet, François | Lutz, Philippe | Lorenzo Beccacece | Xavier, Stéphane | Aubry, Raphael | Afshin Ziaei | Prévot, Claude | Laurent, Guillaume - article - Direct Visual Servoing using Wavelet Coefficients,
IEEE-ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (Volume 24, Issue (3), feb 2019, Pages :1129 - 1140)
Ourak, Mouloud | Tamadazte, Brahim | Lehmann, Olivier | Andreff, Nicolas
2018 (6)
- inproceedings - Photonic microsystem made by dynamic micro-assembly
2018 The International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technology (2018) / Cancun, Mexico (Issue 3.3., 2018, Pages pages )
Courjal, Nadège | Caspar, Alexis | Eustache, Clément | Behague, Florent | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Salut, Roland | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Lehmann, Olivier | Calero Vila, Venancio | Clevy, Cédric | Lutz, Philippe | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar - misc - Award "innovation in optomechatronic research" ISOT 2018
(nov 2018)
Courjal, Nadège | Caspar, Alexis | Eustache, Clément | Behague, Florent | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Salut, Roland | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Lehmann, Olivier | Calero Vila, Venancio | Clevy, Cédric | Lutz, Philippe | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar - inproceedings - Photonic LiNbO3 microsystem made by dynamic assembly
Atelier du Collegium international SMYLE ( 2018) / Neuchatel, Switzerland (2018, Pages pages )
Caspar, Alexis | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Lehmann, Olivier | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Clevy, Cédric | Lutz, Philippe | Salut, Roland | Behague, Florent | Courjal, Nadège - inproceedings - Dynamic micro-assembly of LiNbO3 microresonators with low-loss suspended waveguides
The Optical Society - OSA Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics ( 2018) / Zurich, Switzerland (2018, Pages pages ITh2J.4 (2))
Caspar, Alexis | Eustache, Clément | Behague, Florent | Calero Vila, Venancio | Salut, Roland | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Lehmann, Olivier | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Lutz, Philippe | Clevy, Cédric | Courjal, Nadège - article - Smallest microhouse in the world, assembled on the facet of an optical fiber by origamiand welded in the μRobotex nanofactory
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films (JVSTA) (Volume 36, Issue (4), may 2018, Pages :041601 (9))
Rauch, Jean-Yves | Lehmann, Olivier | Rougeot, Patrick | Abadie, Joël | Agnus, Joel | Suarez, Miguel Angel - inproceedings - LiNbO3 integrated microdisk resonator fabricated by optical grade dicing and dynamic robotic positioning
SPIE Photonics Europe (SPIE 2018) / Strasbourg, France (Issue 106583-15, 2018, Pages pages 1)
Caspar, Alexis | Behague, Florent | Calero Vila, Venancio | Robert, Bruno | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Lehmann, Olivier | Salut, Roland | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Clevy, Cédric | Lutz, Philippe | Courjal, Nadège
2017 (3)
- inproceedings - 3D-printed vision-based micro-force sensor dedicated to in situ SEM measurements
16th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2017) / Munich, Germany (2017, Pages pages 424 - 429)
Guelpa, Valerian | Prax, Jean-Sébastien | Youen Vitry | Lehmann, Olivier | Dehaeck, Sam | Sandoz, Patrick | Clevy, Cédric | Piat, Nadine | Lambert, Pierre | Laurent, Guillaume - inproceedings - New generation of nanofactories
2017 EuroNano Forum (2017) / Malte, Malta (2017)
Rauch, Jean-Yves | Lehmann, Olivier | Abadie, Joël | Agnus, Joel | Rougeot, Patrick | Laurent, Guillaume | Suarez, Miguel Angel - inproceedings - Functionalized patterned sensors on top of optical fibers
/ Agadir, Morocco (2017)
Rauch, Jean-Yves | Lehmann, Olivier | Abadie, Joël | Agnus, Joel | Rougeot, Patrick | Laurent, Guillaume | Suarez, Miguel Angel
2016 (2)
- article - Combining Gradient Ascent Search and Support Vector Machines for Effective Autofocus of a Field Emission – Scanning Electron Microscope.
Journal of Microscopy (Volume 264, Issue (1), oct 2016, Pages :79 - 87)
Dembele, Sounkalo | Lehmann, Olivier | Medjaher, Kamal | Marturi, Naresh | Piat, Nadine - inproceedings - Wavelets-based 6 DOF Visual Servoing.
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2016) / Stockolm, Sweden (Publisher : IEEE, 2016, Pages pages 1-6)
Ourak, Mouloud | Tamadazte, Brahim | Lehmann, Olivier | Andreff, Nicolas
2015 (1)
- unpublished - Micro and nano assembly in the µ-robotex ( 2015)
Rauch, Jean-Yves | Lehmann, Olivier | Abadie, Joël | Rougeot, Patrick | Beluche, Julie | Fernier, Théo | Laurent, Guillaume