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Pierre-Ambroise Lacourt

Pierre-Ambroise Lacourt's publications

2023 (1)

  • inproceedings - Progress in Preforming Whispering Gallery Mode Resonant Disks via Femtosecond Laser Machining
    2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023) / Munich, Germany (2023, Pages pages paper cm_8_6)
    Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Courvoisier, François | Safioui, Jassem | Furfaro, Luca | Larger, Laurent
    doi | bibtex

2022 (1)

2021 (1)

  • misc - Méthode et dispositif de micro-usinage par laser
    Brevet français n° FR 136031 du 17/10/2013, extension EUR n° EP2014/072255 du 15/04/20169, extension internationale n° US-2016-027172, United States Patent US 11,059,129 B2 / Jul. 13, 2021 (jul 2021)
    Courvoisier, François | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Couairon, Arnaud

2020 (1)

  • inproceedings - Real Time Measurements of Spectral Instabilities in Ultrafast Fibre Laser Systems
    22nd IEEE International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2020) / Bari, Italy (2020)
    Lapre, Coraline | Meng, Fanchao | Billet, Cyril | Ryczkowski, Piotr | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Finot, Christophe | Dudley, John Michael

2019 (2)

  • inproceedings - Real-time measurements of ultrafast instabilities in nonlinear fiber optics
    21st IEEE International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2019) / Bari, Italy (2019)
    Dudley, John Michael | Närhi, M. | Ryczkowski, Piotr | Billet, Cyril | Merolla, Jean-Marc | Lapre, Coraline | Meng, Fanchao | Genty, Goëry | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Real-Time Measurement of Ultrafast Instabilities in Optical Fibre Systems
    10th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2019) / Singapore, Singapore (2019)
    Dudley, John Michael | Ryczkowski, Piotr | Närhi, M. | Billet, Cyril | Salmela, L. | Toivonen, Juha | Merolla, Jean-Marc | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Genty, Goëry
    pdf | bibtex

2018 (3)

  • inproceedings - Real-time measurements of ultrafast instabilities in nonlinear fiber optics: recent advances
    21st IEEE International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2019) / Bari, Italy (2018, Pages pages )
    Dudley, John Michael | Narhi, Mikko | Ryczkowski, Piotr | Billet, Cyril | Merolla, Jean-Marc | Genty, Goëry | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise
  • inproceedings - Ultrafast laser processing of glass and sapphire using nondiffracting beams
    2018 Glass & Optical Materials Division ( 2018) / San Antonio, United States (2018)
    Courvoisier, François | Meyer, Rémi | Del Hoyo, Jesus | Xie, Chen | Rapp, Ludovic | Furfaro, Luca | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Jacquot, Maxime | Giust, Remo | Dudley, John Michael
  • inproceedings - Progress in Real-Time Measurements of Ultrafast Instabilities in Nonlinear Fiber Optics
    2nd URSI Atlantic Radio Science ( 2018) / Las Palmas, Spain (2018)
    Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Ryczkowski, Piotr | Narhi, Mikko | Billet, Cyril | Merolla, Jean-Marc | Genty, Goëry | Dudley, John Michael

2017 (4)

  • article - Single-shot ultrafast laser processing of high-aspect-ratio nanochannels using elliptical Bessel beams
    Optics Letters (Volume 42, Issue (21), nov 2017, Pages :4307-4310)
    Meyer, Rémi | Jacquot, Maxime | Giust, Remo | Safioui, Jassem | Rapp, Ludovic | Furfaro, Luca | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Dudley, John Michael | Courvoisier, François
  • inproceedings - Stealth dicing with ultrafast Bessel beams with engineered transverse profiles
    Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and International Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-IQEC 2017) / Munich, Germany (Issue STh4J.4, 2017, Pages pages 1-2)
    Meyer, Rémi | Safioui, Jassem | Giust, Remo | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Furfaro, Luca | Dudley, John Michael | Courvoisier, François
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Micron-precision in cleaving glass using ultrafast Bessel beams with engineered transverse beam shapes
    Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2017) / Munich, Germany (Issue talk CM3.4, 2017, Pages pages 1)
    Meyer, Rémi | Giust, Remo | Safioui, Jassem | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Furfaro, Luca | Dudley, John Michael | Courvoisier, François
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Arbitrary shaping of ultrafast Bessel beams with a phase-only spatial light modulator
    SPIE - Digital Optical Technologies (2017) / Munich, France (2017, Pages pages 1-2)
    Ouadghiri Idrissi, Ismail | Giust, Remo | Furfaro, Luca | Froehly, Luc | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Dudley, John Michael | Courvoisier, François
    pdf | bibtex

2016 (9)

  • article - High aspect ratio micro-explosions in the bulk of sapphire generated by femtosecond Bessel beams
    Scientific Reports (Volume 6, sep 2016, Pages :34286 (6))
    Rapp, Ludovic | Meyer, Rémi | Giust, Remo | Furfaro, Luca | Jacquot, Maxime | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Dudley, John Michael | Courvoisier, François
  • inproceedings - Ultrafast laser-induced microexplosion: material modification tool
    2016 Photonics and Fiber Technology ( 2016) / Sydney, Australia (Issue BT3B.4, 2016, Pages pages BT3B.4.pdf)
    Rapp, Ludovic | Gamaly, Eugène G. | Giust, Remo | Furfaro, Luca | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Dudley, John Michael | Juodkazis, Saulius | Courvoisier, François | Rode, Andrei V.
    doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Non-diffracting beam designs with Spatial Light Modulator: spatio-temporal aspects
    Latin America Optics and Photonics Conference (LAOP 2016) / Medellin, Colombia (Issue LW3D.3 , 2016, Pages pages 3)
    Froehly, Luc | Jacquot, Maxime | Ouadghiri Idrissi, Ismail | Furfaro, Luca | Giust, Remo | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Dudley, John Michael | Courvoisier, François
    doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Nano-ablation à haut rapport de forme
    36ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2016) / Bordeaux, France (2016)
    Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Xie, Chen | Giust, Remo | Froehly, Luc | Courvoisier, François | Dudley, John Michael
  • inproceedings - Structuration des matériaux par faisceaux femtosecondes "non-diffractants" et "accélérants" : filamentation et interaction laser-plasma
    36ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2016) / Bordeaux, France (2016)
    Courvoisier, François | Giust, Remo | Froehly, Luc | Jacquot, Maxime | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Furfaro, Luca | Dudley, John Michael
  • inproceedings - Ultrafast laser structuring of glass and sapphire materials with tailored beams
    2016 Stuttgart Laser Technology Forum (SLT 2016) / Stuttgart, Germany (2016)
    Courvoisier, François | Rapp, Ludovic | Meyer, Rémi | Ouadghiri Idrissi, Ismail | Giust, Remo | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Froehly, Luc | Furfaro, Luca | Jacquot, Maxime | Dudley, John Michael
  • inproceedings - Control of stress and high aspect ratio voids in sapphire and glass using femtosecond Bessel beams
    2016 High Power Laser and Ablation and Directed Energy conference (HPLA/DE 2016) / Santa Fe, United States (2016)
    Rapp, Ludovic | Meyer, Rémi | Giust, Remo | Furfaro, Luca | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Jacquot, Maxime | Dudley, John Michael | Courvoisier, François
  • inproceedings - Ultrafast laser micro- and nanoprocessing of dielectrics with Bessel beams
    2016 SPIE Photonics West ( 2016) / San Francisco, United States (Issue 9740-28, 2016)
    Courvoisier, François | Meyer, Rémi | Rapp, Ludovic | Ouadghiri Idrissi, Ismail | Giust, Remo | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Froehly, Luc | Furfaro, Luca | Jacquot, Maxime | Dudley, John Michael
  • inproceedings - Single shot ultrafast laser ablation of single layer CVD graphene
    2016 SPIE Photonics West ( 2016) / San Francisco, United States (Issue 9736-17, 2016)
    Gil Villalba, Abel | Xie, Chen | Salut, Roland | Furfaro, Luca | Giust, Remo | Jacquot, Maxime | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Dudley, John Michael | Courvoisier, François

2015 (4)

2014 (4)

  • inproceedings - Optical rogue waves in laser speckle
    EOSAM-European Optical Society Annual Meeting 2014 / Berlin, Germany (Issue Tom 10-2, 2014)
    Froehly, Luc | Godin, Thomas | Furfaro, Luca | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Courvoisier, François | Dudley, John Michael
  • inproceedings - Laser micro-nano structuring with femtosecond nondiffracting beams
    LFIB,International workshop on Laser and Focused Ion Beam Technologies for Photonics / Nice, France. (2014)
    Courvoisier, François | Xie, Chen | Mathis, Amaury | Wetzel, Benjamin | Froehly, Luc | Jacquot, Maxime | Furfaro, Luca | Giust, Remo | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Dudley, John Michael
  • inproceedings - Versatile femtosecond laser fabrication of graphene micro and nano-disks using vortex Bessel beams
    Photonics North 2014 / Montreal, Canada (2014, Pages pages paper 4.30)
    Wetzel, Benjamin | Xie, Chen | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Dudley, John Michael | Courvoisier, François
  • article - Spatio-temporal structure of femtosecond Bessel beams from spatial light modulators
    Journal of the Optical Society of America A (JOSA A) (Volume 31, Issue (4), apr 2014, Pages :790 - 793)
    Froehly, Luc | Jacquot, Maxime | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Dudley, John Michael | Courvoisier, François

2013 (10)

  • article - Femtosecond laser fabrication of micro and nano-disks in single layer graphene using vortex Bessel beams
    Applied Physics Letters (Volume 103, Issue (24), dec 2013, Pages :241111)
    Wetzel, Benjamin | Xie, Chen | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Dudley, John Michael | Courvoisier, François
  • inproceedings - Nondiffracting and curved light beams for femtosecond laser micro-/nano-machining
    International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies (ISOT) 2013, Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (ICROS). / Jeju Island, South Korea. (2013, Pages pages M3B-2)
    Courvoisier, François | Xie, Chen | Mathis, Amaury | Wetzel, Benjamin | Froehly, Luc | Jacquot, Maxime | Furfaro, Luca | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Giust, Remo | Dudley, John Michael
  • inproceedings - Les faisceaux non-diffractants, tendances et applications
    Assemblée générale du Groupement de Recherche (GDR) Ondes 2451. / Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France. (2013, Pages pages GT7)
    Froehly, Luc | Mathis, Amaury | Courvoisier, François | Furfaro, Luca | Jacquot, Maxime | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Dudley, John Michael
  • inproceedings - Instabilities and Rogue Waves in Nonlinear Fiber Optics
    6th Mediterranean Conference on Nano-Photonics (MediNano-6) / Lyon, France (2013)
    Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Dias, Frédéric | Genty, Goëry | Dudley, John Michael
  • inproceedings - Femtosecond laser material processing with nondiffracting light
    European congress and Exibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (EUROMAT) 2013. / Séville, Espagne. (2013, Pages pages A1I-I/K-TH-PM2-1)
    Courvoisier, François | Mathis, Amaury | Zhang, Jinggui | Froehly, Luc | Furfaro, Luca | Jacquot, Maxime | Giust, Remo | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Dudley, John Michael
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Filamentation of high-angle nondiffracting beams and applications to ultrafast laser processing
    International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics / Conference on Lasers, Applications and Technologies (ICONO/LAT) 2013. / Moscou, Russie. (2013, Pages pages IFM1)
    Courvoisier, François | Mathis, Amaury | Zhang, Jinggui | Froehly, Luc | Jukna, Vytautas | Furfaro, Luca | Jacquot, Maxime | Giust, Remo | Xie, Chen | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Couairon, Arnaud | Dudley, John Michael
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Faisceaux non-diffractants et accélérants. Applications à la micro et nanostructuration par laser femtoseconde
    Journées Nationales des Cristaux pour l'Optique (JNCO) 2013. / Cherbourg, France. (2013, Pages pages M5)
    Courvoisier, François | Mathis, Amaury | Xie, Chen | Wetzel, Benjamin | Zhang, Jinggui | Froehly, Luc | Jacquot, Maxime | Furfaro, Luca | Giust, Remo | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Dudley, John Michael
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Dispersive time stretching measurements of real-time spectra and statistics for supercontinuum generation around 1550 nm
    Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - International quantum electronics conference (CLEO/EUROPE - IQEC) - OSA / San Jose, CA , USA (2013, Pages pages 436)
    Wetzel, Benjamin | Stefani, Alessio | Larger, Laurent | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Merolla, Jean-Marc | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Kudlinski, A. | Mussot, Arnaud | Genty, Goëry | Dias, Frédéric | Dudley, John Michael
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Femtosecond laser micro and nano processing with nondiffracting Bessel and accelerating Airy beams
    Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - International quantum electronics conference ( CLEO/EUROPE - IQEC) 2013 / Munich, Germany (2013, Pages pages (1 page))
    Courvoisier, François | Mathis, Amaury | Zhang, Jinggui | Froehly, Luc | Jukna, Vytautas | Furfaro, Luca | Jacquot, Maxime | Giust, Remo | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Couairon, Arnaud | Dudley, John Michael
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Direct curved micromachining with femtosecond accelerating beams
    Proceeding of SPIE Photonics West Conference 2013 / San Francisco, USA (2013, Pages pages 8608-15)
    Mathis, Amaury | Courvoisier, François | Froehly, Luc | Furfaro, Luca | Jacquot, Maxime | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Dudley, John Michael
    pdf | bibtex

2012 (5)

2011 (8)

  • inproceedings - Control and applications of nondiffracting beams for laser ablation
    COLA11, 11th Conference On Laser Ablation. / Playa del Carmen, Mexique. (2011)
    Courvoisier, François | Bhuyan, Manoj | Froehly, Luc | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Mathis, Amaury | Jacquot, Maxime | Furfaro, Luca | Dudley, John Michael
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Contrôle et application des faisceaux non-diffractants ultrabrefs à l'ablation à haut rapport de forme
    9èmes Journées des Phénomènes Ultrarapides / Rouen, France (2011)
    Courvoisier, François | Bhuyan, Manoj | Froehly, Luc | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Mathis, Amaury | Jacquot, Maxime | Furfaro, Luca | Dudley, John Michael
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Arbitrary accelerating micron-scale caustic beams in two and three dimensions
    Optics Express (Volume 19, Issue (17), aug 2011, Pages :16455 - 16465)
    Froehly, Luc | Courvoisier, François | Mathis, Amaury | Jacquot, Maxime | Furfaro, Luca | Giust, Remo | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Dudley, John Michael
  • inproceedings - Femtosecond non-diffracting Bessel beams and controlled nanoscale ablation
    Proceeding IEEE of XXX URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium / Istambul, Turquie. (2011, Pages pages 1-3)
    Bhuyan, Manoj | Courvoisier, François | Jacquot, Maxime | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Froehly, Luc | Salut, Roland | Furfaro, Luca | Dudley, John Michael
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Femtosecond laser nanofabrication with nondiffracting beams
    Nanophotonics for sensing and nonlinear optics-next generation photonic materials, structures and devices workshop. / Adelaide, Australia. (2011)
    Courvoisier, François | Froehly, Luc | Mathis, Amaury | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Jacquot, Maxime | Bhuyan, Manoj | Salut, Roland | Furfaro, Luca | Dudley, John Michael
  • inproceedings - Résultats sur la correction de point de fonctionnement de modulateurs électro-optique par laser femtoseconde
    Journées Nationales d’Optique Guidée (JNOG) / Marseille, France (2011)
    Pawela, Yvan | Grossard, Nicolas | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Hauden, Jérôme
  • inproceedings - Single shot nanochannel processing with femtosecond Bessel beams
    Proceedings IEEE of conference on Lasers & Electro-Optics Europe & 12th European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO-EUROPE/EQEC) / Munich, Allemagne (2011, Pages pages CM5_4)
    Courvoisier, François | Bhuyan, Manoj | Jacquot, Maxime | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Salut, Roland | Furfaro, Luca | Dudley, John Michael
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - High aspect ratio taper-free micro and nano-channel fabrication in glass with ultrafast nondiffracting Bessel beams
    Proc. SPIE Photonics West. / San Francisco, États-Unis. (Volume 7921, 2011, Pages pages 7921k)
    Courvoisier, François | Bhuyan, Manoj | Jacquot, Maxime | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Salut, Roland | Furfaro, Luca | Dudley, John Michael
    pdf | doi | bibtex

2010 (19)

  • inproceedings - Nonlinear Optics, Filaments and Bessel Beams
    Photonics 2010, International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics. / Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India. (2010)
    Dudley, John Michael | Courvoisier, François | Bhuyan, Manoj | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Jacquot, Maxime | Furfaro, Luca
  • inproceedings - Femtosecond non-diffracting Bessel beams for laser micro- and nano-processing
    Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture (4M 2010). / Bourg en Bresse and Oyonnax (2010, Pages pages 73 - 75)
    Bhuyan, Manoj | Courvoisier, François | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Jacquot, Maxime | Furfaro, Luca | Withford, Michael | Dudley, John Michael
  • inproceedings - Modélisation du déphasage induit par ablation laser sur un guide optique intégré sur niobate de lithium
    29ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2010) / Besançon, France (2010)
    Pawela, Yvan | Grossard, Nicolas | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Hauden, Jérôme
  • inproceedings - Génération de Micro-ondes Ultra-pures et de Pulses Optiques à Gigue Ultra-faible en Utilisant les Oscillateurs Optoélectroniques
    29ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2010) / Besançon, France (2010, Pages pages 279 - 281)
    Chembo, Kouomou Yanne | Volyanskiy, Kirill | Hmima, Abdelhamid | Tavernier, Hervé | Salzenstein, Patrice | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Rubiola, Enrico | Dudley, John Michael | Larger, Laurent
  • inproceedings - Sur la génération de micro-ondes ultra-pures et de pulses optiques à gigue ultra-faible en utilisant les oscillateurs optoélectroniques
    Recueil des communications des 29 èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG) 2010. / Besançon, France (2010, Pages pages 279 - 281)
    Chembo, Kouomou Yanne | Volyanskiy, Kirill | Hmima, Abdelhamid | Tavernier, Hervé | Salzenstein, Patrice | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Rubiola, Enrico | Dudley, John Michael | Larger, Laurent
  • inproceedings - Caractérisation de modulateurs d'intensité électro-optiques
    Rencontres pédagogiques, Journées Nationales d’Optique Guidée (JNOG 2010). / Besançon, France (2010)
    Courjal, Nadège | Chauvet, Mathieu | Hernandez, B. | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise
  • inproceedings - Flexible generation of non-diffracting beams and applications to femtosecond laser ablation
    EOS Annual Meeting 2010 (EOSAM 2010) / Paris, France (2010, Pages pages 689 - 690)
    Bhuyan, Manoj | Courvoisier, François | Jacquot, Maxime | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Furfaro, Luca | Withford, Michael | Dudley, John Michael
  • inproceedings - High aspect ratio femtosecond laser machining with nondiffracting beams
    International Workshop on Laser/Matter Interaction / Porquerolles, France. (2010)
    Courvoisier, François | Bhuyan, Manoj | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Jacquot, Maxime | Furfaro, Luca | Dudley, John Michael
  • article - High aspect ratio nanochannel machining using single shot femtosecond Bessel beams
    Applied Physics Letters (Volume 97, Issue (8), aug 2010, Pages :081102)
    Bhuyan, Manoj | Courvoisier, François | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Jacquot, Maxime | Salut, Roland | Furfaro, Luca | Dudley, John Michael
  • inproceedings - Extreme events and nonlinear rogue waves in optics
    The Second International Conference on Nonlinear waves - Theory and Applications. / Beijing, China. (2010)
    Dudley, John Michael | Genty, Goëry | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise
  • inproceedings - Material nanoprocessing with nondiffracting femtosecond Bessel beams
    International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON). / Munich, Germany. (2010)
    Courvoisier, François | Bhuyan, Manoj | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Jacquot, Maxime | Furfaro, Luca | Dudley, John Michael
  • misc - Procédé d’imagerie tridimensionnelle et tomographie par détection non linéaire
    Déposants : UFC - CNRS. Demande n° PCT/FR2009/001411. N° WO2010066969 A1 (jun 2010)
    Courvoisier, François | Dudley, John Michael | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise
  • inproceedings - Material nanoprocessing with nondiffracting femtosecond Bessel beams
    12th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2010) - IEEE / Bari, Italy (2010)
    Courvoisier, François | Bhuyan, Manoj | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Jacquot, Maxime | Furfaro, Luca | Dudley, John Michael
    doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Rogue Waves and Extreme Events in Optics - Challenges and Questions
    European Géosciences Union General Assembly 2010. / Vienna, Austria. (2010, Pages pages 6024)
    Dudley, John Michael | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Genty, Goëry | Dias, Frédéric | Akhmediev, Nail
  • inproceedings - Femtosecond Bessel filaments for high aspect-ratio and taper-free micromachining of dielectrics
    Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS), 2010 - IEEE / San Jose, États-Unis (2010, Pages pages CMBB3 )
    Courvoisier, François | Bhuyan, Manoj | Jacquot, Maxime | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Furfaro, Luca | Withford, Michael | Dudley, John Michael
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Generation of ultrafast Bessel micro-beams and applications to laser surface nanoprocessing
    Proceedings of SPIE - Nonlinear Optics and Applications IV / Bruxelles, Belgique (Volume 7728, 2010, Pages pages 77281W)
    Courvoisier, François | Jacquot, Maxime | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Bhuyan, Manoj | Furfaro, Luca | Ferriere, Richard | Dudley, John Michael
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Ultrafast Bessel beams for high aspect ratio taper free micromachining of glass
    Proceedings of SPIE Photonics Europe 12 - Nonlinear Optics and Applications IV / Brussels, Belgium (Volume 7728, 2010, Pages pages 77281V)
    Bhuyan, Manoj | Courvoisier, François | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Jacquot, Maxime | Furfaro, Luca | Withford, Michael | Dudley, John Michael
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Ultrafast micro-Bessel beams for laser processing
    Laser Optics Berlin, International Trade Fair and Convention for Optical & Laser Technologies 2010 / Berlin, Allemagne (2010)
    Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Jacquot, Maxime | Dudley, John Michael | Courvoisier, François | Bhuyan, Manoj
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - High aspect ratio taper-free microchannel fabrication using femtosecond Bessel beams
    Optics Express (Volume 18, Issue (2), jan 2010, Pages :566 - 574)
    Bhuyan, Manoj | Courvoisier, François | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise | Jacquot, Maxime | Furfaro, Luca | Withford, Michael | Dudley, John Michael