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Special issue of Comptes Rendus Physique on phononic crystals

The May 2016 issue of Comptes Rendus Physique, an international peer-reviewed journal of the French Academy of Sciences published by Elsevier, is devoted to phononic crystals. The special issue was coordinated by Vincent Laude, a research director at CNRS and a member of the Micro Nano Sciences & Systems department of FEMTO-ST.

Comptes Rendus Physique_Phononics

Phononic crystals are artificial periodic structures that can alter efficiently the flow of sound in air, of acoustic waves in fluids, or of elastic waves in solids. They were introduced about twenty years ago and have gained increasing interest since then, both because of their amazing physical properties and because of their potential applications. The topic of phononic crystals stands at the cross-road of several fields of physics - condensed matter physics, wave propagation in inhomogeneous and periodic media - and engineering - acoustics, ultrasonics, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering. Phononic crystals cover a wide range of scales, from meter-size periodic structures for sound in air to nanometer-size structures for information processing or thermal phonon control in integrated circuits. They furthermore offer a practical implementation for the paradigms of acoustic metamaterials. The articles in this special issue illustrate several of these aspects.

Comptes Rendus Physique
is an international journal of the French Academy of Sciences, published under the direction of Catherine Bréchignac.

The May 2016 issue is composed of 8 articles preceded by a foreword by the topical coordinator, Vincent Laude.
The special issue can be accessed online on Elsevier's website:

  • Understanding the cytotoxicity of metallic nanoparticles

    A recent study published in the journal "Chemical Science" and involving FEMTO-ST gives new insights into the understanding of the mechanisms of DNA alteration in cells by metallic nanoparticles.

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  • Artificial intelligence for next-generation ultrafast photonics

    How can machine learning and associated methods improve the development of next-generation laser sources and revolutionize applications where ultrafast light plays a central role?

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  • Strong involvement of FEMTO-ST in the H2020 project "PhotonHub Europe"

    The objective of this project is to help European SMEs to increase their competitiveness through photonics with a online guidance, which will offer the support of 54 leading competence centers in Europe, including FEMTO-ST, which is also the scientific coordinator at the national level.

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  • First demonstration of self-confined nonlinear waves in plasmonic structures

    By providing the very first experimental evidence of the existence of this phenomenon, FEMTO-ST researchers and their partners hope to be able to generate this nonlinear effect using low intensity laser sources, in order to use it for nanophotonics applications.

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  • Mengjia Wang receives the « Chinese government award 2020 »

    As a PhD student of the Optics Department of FEMTO-ST , Mengjia Wang has been recognized by the Chinese Government for his outstanding work in the field of nanophotonics and plasmonics.

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  • Laurent LARGER named Fellow 2021 of OSA

    Full professor of Physics/Optics at the University of Franche-Comté and researcher at FEMTO-ST institute, Laurent Larger is rewarded for his pioneering work on nonlinear dynamics in optoelectronics and on the development of new architectures for photonic artificial intelligence.

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  • CNRS "Proof by Image" competition

     Discover the selection of the 20 images selected by the CNRS, one of which is presented by FEMTO-ST, and vote for the "audience award" photo.

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  • Imaging quantum interference of entangled photon pairs of extremely high dimensionality

    Researchers from the Optics Department have developed an imaging device allowing the spatial and temporal resolution of the phenomenon of quantum interference between pairs of entangled photons of extremely high dimensionality.

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  • Fei GAO Receives IEEE J.D. Irwin Early Career Award

    As a member of the SHARPAC team and Deputy Director of FEMTO-ST, Fei Gao has been recognized by the IEEE IES Society for his outstanding work in improving the reliability of hydrogen electric powertrains.

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  • Daniel HISSEL, winner of the CNRS 2020 Innovation Medal

    Full professor at the University of Franche-Comté, researcher at FEMTO-ST Institute and co-founder of a start-up on efficient hydrogen fuel cells, Daniel HISSEL is one of the four national winners of the CNRS 2020 Innovation Medal.

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