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I-PhD Innovation Competition: 2 winners from FEMTO-ST

Maya Geagea (ANIO-PAC project: micro fuel cells), and Gaël Matten (VIBISCUS project: noise reduction system), special jury prize, are winners of the 2019 innovation awards.

To meet the great challenge of doubling the number of "Deeptech" start-ups in France (from the laboratory to the factory of the future), the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, in partnership with Bpifrance, has just rewarded the winners of the i-PhD competition for its first edition. It aims to support young PhDs or PhD students wishing to enhance the value of their research work and to help create companies implementing breakthrough technological innovations.

Among the 29 laureates, including 7 special prizes, there are two FEMTO-ST members:

Gaël MATTEN (VIBISCUS project supported by CNRS Innovation), special prize of the jury

Offers programmable noise absorption systems with low energy consumption. Thin, they are capable of absorbing all types of audible frequencies as well as creating local acoustic atmospheres.

Contact : (33 3 81 66 20 47)

Maya GEAGEA (ANIOPAC project supported by SATT SAYENS)

Development of a new hydrogen fuel cell technology powered by its own integrated hydrogen production system. Intended to power nomadic applications (laptops, smart cards, sensors, etc.), this mini fuel cell is made from silicon and machined using micro-manufacturing processes that are easily transposable and low cost.

Contact :

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